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If I mess up big time in spelling or grammar please forgive me friends and let me know in comments 🙏🙏 even if , you have suggestions regarding the story please please comment to let me know 💃

Yunlan bashed his hands on the steering wheel when he entered the car still fuming in rage " I should have killed that fucker". When Shen enterd he immediately caught him by the collar and said through greeted teeth " Care to explain what happened there ?" Shen lowered his head to hide his emotions and spoke barely in a whisper "Forgive me I got carried away." Yunlan released him and started laughing as if he heard the biggest joke of the century, Shen's eye widened in shock not being able to keep up with Zhao's mood swings. " Wow that's something unexpected, but more unexpected was ........ " Yunlan paused a little to create some suspense "You made quite an impression on old Chu".
Although Shen was being praised but he didn't feel anything so he gathered all his courage and asked timidly "What about you ?" Yunlan huffed in amusement while feigning anger " Huh!! Dream on kid. You have a long way to go before you can impress me". Though he said all these but still he could not hide the prideful smile that etched on his lips while thinking from the very beginning.

Shen Wei became extremely happy seeing this so he smiled genuinely for the first time in several years. Yunlan on other hand froze like a statue as his heart skipped. He kept looking at Shen and he felt like he was watching the most beautiful flower of the world, which just started to bloom. Nothing could be compared to the feelings when you obtain something very rare. A very preposterous thought came to his mind any how by any means he wanted to preserve this smile even if he had to sell his soul.

Watching Yunlan like that Shen blinked innocently (Haaaaah finally finally I could write Shen's special attack 😂 wiping tears of happiness). To hide his dillema Yunlan smacked Shen on the head lightly and scolded "What are you grinning for?" Saying this Yunlan sped away and Shen turned around to look at the night view myriads of emotion swirling in his mind.

In an different city Daqing and Yezun were roaming on the streets hunger stricken and tired. All the foods and money they brought with them are all about to exhaust. They both sat down at the side of the road, suddenly painful cries and shouting of people caught their attention they immediately stood up and followed the sounds. They winded their way through a remote alley. When they found the source of commotions they saw some thugs ganging up on a nerdy looking boy who was protecting something with all his might. Yezun face palmed at this rate that idiot gonna get killed, Daqing didn't even stop to think he just jumped into the fight immediately, so Yezun also had to join. When the fight ended those thugs were laid flat on the road groaning. Yezun and Daqing was dusting off when the nerdy boy spoke up " You know you didn't need to interfere". " I could have taken care of it by myself" that boy said pointing at a corner. Yezun looked at the direction where the boy was pointing and saw a CCTV while Daqing scoffed " How ? By sticking your head in soil like an ostrich ?" Yezun laughed aloud making the boy red in embarrassment " Calm down Daqing. May I know your name of course if you don't mind telling a stranger."

" Jin Ling but you can call me genius or king of hackers." That boy stated proudly. Yezun's eyes shined brightly as an idea flitted through his mind and for that he had to rope that guy in. "So Ling Jin may be you are right but don't you think by that time you would have been gravely injured hmm?"

" Fine fine let me treat you to food for helping me I don't want to owe you anything."(LJ)

"That's good for me" Daqing countered he didn't like the boy one bit.

But Yezun pouted and said " And here I thought we could be good friends" blinking innocently.

"Fine If you insist so much I'll be your friend reluctantly" he said acting all high and mighty but couldn't stop the stupid grin on his face. This was the first time someone wanted to be his friend, he was always the odd one so nobody tried to befriend him.

In Yunlan's condo apartment Shen sat obediently on the sofa while Yunlan was disinfecting and treating the wound on his cheek very carefully. Shen Wei could feel Yunlan's breath on his face and neck which made his heart beat increase exponentially. Blush tinted his face pink to the tip of his ear he became restless.

"Does it hurt?"(ZY)

"A little" Shen lied.

"Now open your shirt let me look at the other wounds."

Shen Wei felt quite embarrassed but still acted obediently he unbuttoned his shirt revealing a valley of pale smooth skin.

As if hypnotized Yunlan started tracing the flawless skin feeling the smooth porcelain skin under his fingers made him crave for more but then his eyes landed on those ugly bruises and his eyes turned cold. Shen shivered under his touch, his breathing started getting heavy but he clenched his teeth not to let any signs show which might disgust Yunlan.

Yunlan on the other hand thought he was hurting Shen so he gently hugged him." Sorry if I hurt you" Yunlan spoke softly while caressing his back. Shen stiffened but relaxed after a while though he didn't dare to hug him back. Yunlan smiled thinking Shen was accepting him without being skeptical which was good sign for his plan, which is to use him as a shield. But he never thought in his dream that one day this would make his life a living hell.

Ling Jin took them to a coffee shop named 'White fang'(copied from super lovers). Yezun liked the environment it was a perfect blend of modern and retro.

"This is my grandpa's place feel free to order anything. Grandpa meet my new friends Yezun and Daqing , today they saved me from some local thugs". The old man left the counter to greet them. " Really ? That's great that's great these days we don't see boys with such good character. Ling Jin ah you are very lucky to have such good friends treat them well haah. Now go go sit down I'll prepare something for you guys." Mr. Ling was very good person and something about him made Yezun feel emotionally attached in an instant perhaps that old man's humble and kind attitude made him remember his nana. He unconsciously palmed the antique watch in his pocket.

Mr. Ling came with lots foods and drinks on a tray . He smiled genially " I don't know how can I repay you for saving my little Jin" .

Yezun retorted "What are you saying grandpa, we are also like your grandkid."

" Yeah yeah that's good . The more the merrier" the old man said."

"Where are you guys staying?."(jr.LJ)

"Actually we are new here and don't have anything" Daqing told embarrassed.

Ling Jin beamed " Then why don't you stay with us? " Mr. Jin also agreed immediately.

Yezun and Daqing were startled but agreed at last saying that in return they will help the old man with the cafe.

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