Happiness of a friend

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Katherine was happy to see that over the last couple of weeks Chloe got happier and happier, and her wedding was just days away.  And with that happiness for some reason Katherine felt that there was something off in the darkness. But she would never allow it to ruin anything that would make the wedding day bad.
Katherine laughed as she heard Chloe's cousin Lois barking orders at anyone that was willing to listen to her.
"What?" She nearly shouted at Katherine.
"Wanna calm down? We dont need you freaking out."
"Where's Clark?"
"Inside out of the way where I sent him."
"He probably should get ready soon."
"He will." Katherine told her. "I'll head in there shortly and make sure of it ok?"
"Thank you."
"OK well General Lois try not to make the troops run for it."
"I promise." She said to her laughing. Katherine headed into the house and was surprised to see Oliver standing there.
"What brings you here?" Katherine asked him.
"As I was telling Clark I think I found Lex."
"And he hasn't made a move he wont be any sooner today."
"Chloe will understand."
"No she won't, when I had Jor-el give her back her memories I had him leave out the ones about my abilities. She will not understand. I am not missing tonight."
"Oliver you ask allot of him. And he promised Chloe he'd give her away you cant expect him to leave."
'Kat, understand that I know where to find him i just need Clark for maybe an hour."
"More than that and I will personally kill you myself Oliver." Katherine said kissing Clark. "Its your choice. I'm going to go help Lois get things ready in the barn, and keep her from yelling at more people."

Katherine stood in the barn with Lois when they walked up into the loft area where Chloe stood.
"You look breathtaking."
"I agree with Lois."
"Thanks both of you. Seems you can reign in my cousin Kat."
"I can, because she made two members of the catering staff cry in ten minutes."
"Really Lois."
"At least it was only two."
"Do you have everything?"
"I just need my something borrowed."
"I don't have anything." Katherine told them. Chloe dug through the desk and pulling out a silver box. . Katherine's eyes widened as Clark came up the stairs and stopped when Chloe turned around with the meteor rock in her hand. 
"How about you put that back I have something better."
Chloe closed the box and set it back down when Clark pulled out a yearbook and pulled a flower from it.
"From our homecoming."
"You kept it?"
"I keep good memories." Clark said handing it to her. Katherine looked at them both and smiled.
"Come on you two."  Katherine said taking their arms.

Clark was fighting with the cuff links he had and both Lois and Katherine came down the stairs.
"Wow your both beautiful. Now if I could just figure these things out."
Lois came to a stop in front of him and helped him with them.

Katherine was happy as she watched Clark walk his best friend down the aisle to her groom. She was happy to see Chloe happy with Jimmy. Once Clark had given Chloe away he moved to Katherine's side, she took his hand in her own and watched as Chloe and Jimmy exchanged vows.  

The wedding reception was well underway, and Clark had already danced with Chloe, and he was dancing with Katherine when everyone stopped and looked toward door and Lana had arrived. Katherine looked up at Clark and then toward Lana, the look of sadness crossed Katherine's face , especially when Clark almost seemly pulled away from her. An electrical current came from Katherine's body as she looked at Lana. But Clark looked back at Katherine and pulled her into his arms, he leaned down and spoke softly in her ear.

"She is a bigger surprise than anything. You know I am not going anywhere, I nearly lost you to someone that looks identical to me." 

"I know." She said taking his hand in her own.  Lana looked at them and smiled and hugged Chloe, she didn't want to cause any problems and with all that had been going on she really didn't need to have poor Katherine angry with her. 

"Hey you two." Lana said coming over to them

"Hi, you're a nice surprise. Makes Chloe happy." Clark said to her. Lana knew what he meant, and of course she knew that it was a surprise that Katherine didn't really need but Oliver brought her back. 

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