Beginning Senior Year

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Katherine looked at Johnathan as he watched his son.
"Mr. Kent."
"Yes Katherine? "
"You seem worried."
"Always. It's your final year of high school."
"Yes it is. I have to say something."
"What's that?" He asked facing her.
"I've know all of you since I was a kid. And I am actually grateful at how much you and Mrs. Kent really brought me into your home. I've nearly gotten Clark hurt more than once."
"Not really. With all of his powers my son tends to find his own problems. You just happen to join in."
"Mr. Kent he was actually kidnapped last year, not a fake one him actually being taken. And if Lex had found him I had a huge fear of what would have had happened."
"But it didnt and you and Clark are both here and fine. Now my son just needs to stay close to home."
"Yeah. Its our senior year I will keep him close to home."
"How was school today?"
"It was school. We did have a day of staying in class."
"There is always that. I hear Clark tried out for the football team."
"Yes. I was there when he was trying out. He never used his powers and is good."
"My son."
"Isnt like anyone else I know. And as of late neither am I. Doesn't mean he's going to cheat Mr. Kent."
"I know. You're good for my son."
"And he keeps me sane." Katherine smiled and blushed.

Katherine walked into the barn later and saw Lana coming down from the loft. Sparks seemed to come off Katherine as she walked further into the barn.
"Hi Lana."
"Katherine, hi, it's good to see you. I thought I would stop by and drop this off." She held out a notebook.
"My notes?"
"Yeah you dropped them after practice this afternoon. Clark said you were inside."
"Oh. I was surprised to see you back so soon to school. How was Paris?"
"It was a dream. I took pictures I will have to show you."
"You will. Thanks for bringing me this."
"You're welcome. Have a goodnight you two see you at school tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow." Katherine watched as Lana left and Clark came down the stairs and looked at her oddly.
"Why are you sparking?"
"No idea." Katherine said with a shrug. Clark shook his head and put his arm over her shoulders feeling a slight electrical shock from the contact.
"Want to calm the jealousy down?"
"I'm not jealous. Surprised yes jealous no."

They walked into school the next day. Katherine was happy to know Clark had made the football team. She wasnt sure who was more proud him or her. But even she noticed the team were acting oddly.
"You going to stick around again today?"
"Yes, I figured why make two trips to the house and I can work on some school work in the bleachers while your practicing. I do like the new coach though."
"Yeah he's nice.

Katherine sat in the house while Clark finished up something in the barn.
"People were acting odd Mr. Kent."
"What do you mean?"
"Not like themselves. Even Chloe is acting oddly."
"She always cared deeply for Clark."
"Still does. It seems."
"Things will be fine always are."
"I hope so." Katherine said. She looked up as Clark entered the house. He looked rather puzzled and was blushing.
"What happened to you? "
"Uh..ummm.. Chloe."
"What about her?"
"Does she seem a bit off?"
"Could be. Maybe it's nothing. You look tired."
"Ok. I am going to head to bed."

Katherine watched Clark and the team practice from the bleachers. She looked up as Chloe came running out dressed in a cheerleading uniform.
Clark looked so confused and looked over at Katherine. Katherine shrugged she had no idea what to do.

Clark walked over and drank from cooler and about choked on it. Katherine watched him intently.

Later that evening Clark was in the barn alone, he looked up when he heard a noise and saw his coach coming up the stairs to the loft.
Katherine came out to the barn a while later to see Lex bandaging Clark.
"What happened?"
"Someone attacked Clark."
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah I'm fine. Why are you here Lex?"
"I wanted go give you something. I am done investigating you. Your my friend Clark and I don't want to loose that friendship."

Katherine followed Clark into the school. Lois was standing in the hall.
She had a feeling he knew what happened and why people are acting crazy.

"And now that mystery is solved can we enjoy your first game." Katherine asked kissing him.

Sitting in the stands with his parents there was only a few minutes left of the game and one play could win it all. Clark threw the pass and they won their game.

Chloe looked so embarrassed when standing next to Clark after what happened. Katherine walked up as Clark leaned down and kissed Chloe on the cheek.
"Hey there you two."
"Hi Katherine."
"You ok?"
"Yeah sorry about that. I thought my feelings weren't there anymore."
"Chloe it's fine. Its sweet. And your his best friend."
"No really Chloe I am happy Clark has a friend like you."
Chloe smiled and blushed. Katherine leaned in and hugged the younger woman.

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