Gone missing

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She turned to look at him, there he sat bound and gagged just like her. He couldn't do anything to help them, she knew his secret but she never told him she knew. They had tied his legs and with that they found a way to make it so that there was meteor rock around him. She could see it was hurting him.
"What are we doing with them? We already have one dead body to deal with."
"I realized that. We've got these two and it seems they both have powers of sorts. The boy seems to stay weak around the green rocks."
"Then that is where they stay. I'm going to make a few calls to figure out what to do with our guests."
"They fine alone?"
"Where are they going to go? The boy can't protect her."
"Then you make your calls I will get food. All of us will need to eat. Even them."

Katherine waited for them to leave and moved her hands and felt the ropes that held her hands fall off. She untied her legs and crawled towards Clark. She pulled the gag free and touched his face.
"Move the stones."
"Ok." Katherine grabbed the stones and threw them across the room.
"Are you alright?" She asked untying his arms. She helped him sit up and they both looked towards the door as people entered.
"I see you freed yourself. No matter there is enough meteor rock in this building to keep him from being able to do much of anything. So why dont you just sit there with him."
"Why are you doing this?" She asked.
"Oh this time there is money involved. We are going to get paid for you two and they want you alive."
"But sense they want you alive you get to eat."
"Dont worry we won't poison it. Just eat."

Katherine sat looking at Clark, he had finally sat up and was drinking from the bottle of water.
"Clark. Talk to me."
"About what that I lost control nearly killed you and my dad."
"It was the rock. That ring did it."
They sat in silence just trying to understand what was going on. Katherine concentrated, she closed her eyes her body began to glow.
"They are not handing us over to anyone."
"You have no say. Its time to move."

Katherine stood and raised her hands before she could do anything she was shot with a dart she fell to the floor unconscious.
"Kat. Leave her alone. "
"Tie them up and get them moving."

Clark wasn't even sure how long they had been missing. He groaned when they threw him into the van next to Katherine, he felt blood running down the side of his face. He needed to get away from the kryptonite.
He didnt have full use of his abilities but was able to do some things. He figured maybe it was time to act human. He couldn't let them take them to be experimented on. He knew he had to keep pulling on the ropes that held his arms, he needed to get them out of there at any cost.

Clark and Katherine were thrown into the van once again, she moaned meaning she was about to wake up.

Love alwaysTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon