Creature and the Bride

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Katherine waited and Chloe and Jimmy started to cut the cake, when they all looked up when they heard a noise. A large creature crashed through the roof of the barn, sending guests running in all directions screaming. Chloe and Jimmy backed away and the creature turned toward the guests. A section of the roof slammed down and hit Lana in the leg, Katherine and Clark rushed to her side, Clark moved the piece as Katherine dropped down next to her friend.

"I have her, go." Katherine said. Clark nodded and stood, turning to the the creature he moved toward it and took a swing at it, it caught his fist and threw him up into the loft. Clark landed hard in the loft knocking the box that had the Kryponite in it onto the floor causing Clark being unable to really move. Katherine looked as the creature turned its attention to Chloe and Jimmy, she looked down at Lana.

"I'll be fine go." Lana told her, Katherine nodded and stood. She tried to get to them before Jimmy was hurt but when she did get to them she held her hands up and nearly tossed the creature but it threw her across the room. Katherine attempted to stop herself from hitting anything but slammed into the far wall. She landed hard on the ground and looked up, her vision swimming as she watched the creature leave with Chloe, she turned her head to see Lana make her way up to where Clark was, she got to her feet and made her way to the stairs, Oliver helped her up them into the loft.

"That thing took Chloe." Oliver said, Clark looked at Katherine and saw she had been hurt.

"You tried to help them?"

"Yeah and painfully found out that was a bad idea." She answered, her eyes rolled back in her head and had Oliver not been holding her she would have fallen. Clark moved to them and lifted Katherine into his arms. Oliver helped Lana back down the stairs, ambulances had arrived helping take people to the hospital. Clark still held Katherine in his arms, a paramedic came up to him to take her from him, they had already loaded Lana into an ambulance.

"Clark, let her go they will help her." Oliver said taking Katherine from him. Clark was beside himself, his friend was missing, his other friend was badly injured and his girlfriend had been injured trying to keep them safe.

Clark walked down the halls of the hospital stopping at the room where Lana was. He walked inside and looked at Lana.

"How is Katherine?"

"I don't know I haven't found where she is yet. Oliver and I are going to keep looking for Chloe and that creature."

"Let me know what you find. You can't do anything more for me go." She told him. Clark touched her hand and left the room. He came face to face with Lois, she looked about ready to cry. He knew he had to find Chloe and to find her that meant that he would have to search while others were getting checked or admitted into the hospital.

"We will find her."

"What if you can't?"

"We will find her."

"I am going with Jimmy until I hear from Chloe." Lois said, she looked at Clark and walked away from him. Clark grabbed a nurse gently

"I am looking for Katherine Hawke."

"Second room on your left."  

"Thank you."  Clark walked down the hall and looked into the room, Katherine lay in the center of a bed, he had seen her broken before but this was worse than he had seen before. 

"Kat?" He said speaking softly as he entered the room, the only sound was a machine that kept track of her heart rate. A nurse stopped in the room to take vitals.

"She is going to be fine. She was in pain we gave her something for the pain."

"She was bleeding pretty badly."

"Head wounds tend to.  You must be Clark Kent?"


"I will get a doctor, he can better explain what we found." The nurse turned and left Clark alone with Katherine. a few moments later he heard someone else enter the room.

"Mr. Kent?"

"Clark, and yes."

" Miss Hawke has been injured but she is one of the most stable of those that were brought from your farm after a strange attack that were the worst injured. She has three broken ribs,  her shoulder has been dislocated and is partially broken, we have to surgically repair that, and she has three broken vertebra in her back." 

"Is she going to be paralyzed?"

"No, they are not pressing on the cord, but she will be in the hospital for a while. We gave her something for the pain. We will be taking her into surgery in a couple hours to repair her shoulder."

"Thank you doctor." Clark said, he sat down for a moment and looked at Katherine.

"I swear I will find Chloe and rid us of that creature.  I will be back." He said leaning in and kissing her. He stood and turned to see Oliver standing near the door way.

"I was wondering why I hadn't seen you yet. She OK?"

"She seems to one of the most stable of the badly injured."

"How bad is she?"

"Broken ribs, her shoulder is dislocated and broken and she has three broken vertebra in her back." 

"Wow, I could bring in specialists." 

"Lets see how her shoulder surgery goes." 

"Ok, lets go find Chloe." Oliver said to him. Clark gave one more look at Katherine and then headed from the room and out of the hospital.  Katherine opened her eyes several hours later and found her arm strapped across her chest. She was in pain and there was no denying that. She looked around and saw that she was alone. A nurse entered the room and smiled at her.

"Have I had any visitors?"

"Yes Mr. Kent was here he said he would be back." 


"You need your rest."

"I guess." Katherine lay back against the pillow and closed her eyes. 

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