Phantom Love: Chapter 11

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[Well... I know why Davi didn't eat theh crickets... he was dying... It just so happens that the day after I posted that I told my dad to look at him cause he looked weird.. He was standing on the side of the little stone hut I built for him so I thought he was just about to molt.. Not really. I think Ima take a break from praying mantids for a while... He really was like my little baby... But now it's time to move on and I recently got a spike in readers so why not upload another chapter?]

[Nico's P.O.V.]

     The second I moaned I knew things were getting out of control. I reluctantly tore from the kiss and pushed Taylor off of me.

     "I can't do this!"

    "What? Why?"

     "Because!" He got off the bed and I sat up, hugging my legs to my body. "Because... I can't do this to Roland..."

    "I thought you said you were going to move on?"

     "I know. I still can't do it, though. I just love him too much!" I felt tears burning my eyes and looked down, closing them tightly, trying to excape from what I had just done.

     How could I do this to Roland?

     I felt the bed dip next to me and Taylor's arm wrap around me.

    "It's okay. I understand."

     "No you don't!" He could never understand.

    "I do. I know what it's like to love someone you can never have. Why do you think I kissed you?"

    I looked up. "What are you talking about?"

    "I always wanted to protect you. Always. But I never could. When we were little, I always used to try to get you to stay over. Remember? The truth is, I didn't want you to leave me. I hated knowing that when you went home, you were hurting. I hated knowing that I couldn't protect you from your father. Then when Heather came along, It didn't take me long to figure out she knew about your secret. I made a deal with her. As long as she didn't tell anyone, I would sleep with her. I would do anything to protect you."

     It's really amazing. All this time I didn't know his feelings. I didn't know what he was doing for me. Despite knowing him practically all my life, I knew nothing about him.

     I opened my mouth to say something, but he went on. "I know that I can never replace Roland, but that doesn't change the fact that I love you, that I want you and only you. I'll wait for you. I'll wait for you to come to terms with Roland's death. When you're ready, I'll be here."

    He kissed my forhead, laid me down, tucked me in, and started to leave. I couldn't let him leave without saying something. I had to give him that much.

     "Um... wait." He stopped, but he didn't turn around. "Please... Please, wait for me." He turned around and looked at me. I could see his eyes searching mine, seeing if I meant what he thought I meant.

     I did.

     He got that and smiled. "Good night."

     "Night." I watched him leave, turning off the night and carefully closing the door behind him.


     Taylor drove me to school the next morning, the car was silent the whole drive. At school, I was faced with half the school giving me dirty lookes, muttering names, or just completely avoiding  me. Taylor started returning the negative attention, but I told him to ignore them.

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