Phantom Love: Chapter 5

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[Nico's P.O.V.]

     After all that, I was forced to carry Heather's books to all her classes, carry her lunch tray, fetch things for her, and push myself through showing public displays of affection to her in the halls. At this point, I was starting to hate her more than I hated my dad.

     Don't get me wrong, he was an absolute monster. Dad was a mixture between Jaws and Piranha, but Heather was a fly and B*tchzilla on steroids. Annoying as hell and destructive when angry.... very destructive.

     By the end of school, I was exhausted. I decided to skip football practice in order to avoid Heather. When I got to my car I realized I didn't get to talk with Roland all day. Heather had me so busy I guess he was too intimidated to come near me. I'd be worrying my ass off about where he was but I saw him and Rose jet out the building the second the last bell rang. Wonder what's up with those two.

    I reached into my jacket pocket for my keys and a small piece of paper fell out. I picked it up just in time before the breeze could carry it away. I uncrumbled it and discovered that it was the address that guy gave me yesterday... Roland's brother. What was his name?

     I got in my car and started it up. I sat there for a while thinking. I bet Roland's brother would know a thing or two. Like why he showed up in my bedroom.

     I put the car into reverse and peeled out of the parking spot. I checked my phone and looked at the time. I had about 40 minutes before Heather would call me to do her bidding again. I put my phone in the cup holder built in my arm rest and put the car into drive. 


     I pulled in front of an apartment building and checked the address to make sure I had the right place. I did. I go out of the car and found my way up to the right apartment. When I found apartment 18 I took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

     No answer.

     I rang the door bell and heard someone curse inside. Mike that was his name. A few bangs and curses later Mike opened the door... naked... Whatdafaq?

     "It's you. Nico, right?" He said as he leaned against the door frame, smoking a cigarette.

     "Yeah, I decided now was a good time to take you up on your offer." I looked away, trying to distract myself from... it, and make sure no one else could see him. All clear.

     "Come on in." He opened the door wider to let me in. I closed the door behind me and followed him. We took a sharp right into the dining area. "Sit down." There was a small table with one chair and a small bar with two bar stools facing the kitchen. I chose the bar. On the other side, Mike leaned against the table and looked at me. "So what did you want to talk about?"

     "Roland... He..." Shit... never thought of how I would go about this.

     "Who was at the door?" the other guy from the cemetery walked into the room wearing nothing but underwear. So they're... Well then, I chose an awkward time to visit. At least he was wearing something. When he saw me, he stopped. "Oh, sorry. Didn't know we had company."

     "Uh, it's fine. Should I come back later?"

     "No, no. I'm just going to take a shower real quick, so I'll leave you two to talk." He looked at Mike with a stern look. "Be good."

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