Phantom Love: Chapter 2

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[You know what to do.. I guess...(VOTE N COMMENT!)]   

     When I got home, I saw dad's car in the driveway. I pulled into the driveway, went into the house, and put away the freshly bought, gallon of milk. I walked into the living room. Empty. I went upstairs and knocked on the door to his study. No response. Breaking his strict "Do Not Enter" rule I peeped into the room to find it empty as well. I walked up to his bedroom door and saw that it was cracked open. Giggling.

     A woman.

     I went to my room and silently closed the door. He didn't like it when I made my presence known while he had guests. Sadly, for him, his business associates know of me and what a screw up, bastard child I was. The last thing he wanted was for his "acquaintances" to know of me, too.

     I put my backpack in my desk chair and laid back on my bed. I couldn't indulge in my "guilty pleasure" just yet. When dad was home, there was always his way of reminding me why I did it in the first place.

     Dad preferred not to make too much noise while catering to his "needs" so I knew all the moans that bounced off the walls from his room to mine solely belonged to his partner. Natalie?.. Or maybe Olivia? They both sound the same to me.

     The fact that I know this much about my father's sex life stopped bothering me when I was 8. These past nine years I've been able to sit back and wait for what came next without much disturbance.

     My door swung open and there stood Satan, himself, clutching a beer.

     "I'm home," I announced, sitting up to face him properly.

     He yawned, "What took you so damn long? I was about to call a second whore over here just to pass the time!"

     I shivered. Weird, usually I'm never cold at home... I guess because this place is almost literally Hell. I looked down to the floor. He was still naked and I definitely don't make it a habit at looking at nude, 40 year old men. "I had football practice today. I have practice every Thursday night. I had to pick up milk on the way home, too."

     He doesn't know about "him" and I'd like to keep it that way. I couldn't tell him I went to the grave.

     "Excuses... Whatever." He lugged his feet toward me and my heart skipped a beat. Here it comes. "Natalie is tired already but I'm still ready for round two~ Stand up and turn around." I clenched my teeth and did as he said. This chill had me more on edge for some reason. Usually I can accept what's now happening pretty easily but I don't want it to happen this time.

     It just felt so embarrassing. It felt like someone was watching, and I know that "someone" was not Natalie.

     He grabbed my hair and grinned as he shoved me down over the bed. "I really wish you'd cut your hair. A real man wouldn't have it longer than a few inches! Easier to grab though, I'll give you that much... and much more~"


[Roland's P.O.V.]

     There are a lot of advantages to being a ghost. Really, I have been milking the whole "No one can see you" thing. This was not one of those advantages. When I finally decided to follow Nico to see what his at-home life was like, I did not expect this!

     I watched as the love of my life was brutally raped and I couldn't even do a thing!

     I disparately tried to rip Nico's father off of him in hopes my ghostly hands could somehow materialize. Of course, that hope didn't last long. Even though I have been working on my "ghostly powers" with Rose, I was not able to achieve full "living being" affect. Almost crying from the irritation of not being able to help my love, I closed my eyes and covered my ears. I didn't want to watch, or hear, this when knowing I can't do a thing to stop it.

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