Phantom Love: Chapter 7

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[I like waffles... and that is why you should vote!]

[Roland's P.O.V.]

     I am so gonna kill Chester!

     After Nico's confession, as you would expect, I practically melted. I was in Heaven. If I were to pass on, this would be what I would feel like. We looked into each other's eyes and I could feel the distance between us slowly closing. His lips parted again as he cupped my face.

     What came next was the most magical kiss of my life. Or it would have been if I didn't suddenly disappear the moment our lips touched.

     Some hob knocker must be playing some kind of joke on me...

     I almost forgot about the whole "reliving my death" thing. And here comes the darkness.


     Earlier this morning we talked about what happened last night. He told me how he wasn't really sure of his feelings, but he knew that there was something about me he couldn't ignore. I told him how I was so happy, but I didn't want to push him into anything he wasn't ready for. I was just glad he finally realized my feelings for him.

     Only he didn't realize them. Chester told him, and that's why I am now off to my brother's apartment to torture Chester in my ghostly ways. I would have asked Rose to come along so I could curse at him, but she and Nico had other arrangements.

     They are so talking about me...

     I walked through Mike's front door and found him sitting at the bar, naked of course, and Chester nagging at him to put some clothes on.

     I'm sure Chester knew I was there because he shivered and looked around with a shocked expression.

     Mike laughed at him, "What? You look life you've seen a ghost."

     "I thought you didn't believe in that stuff."

     "I don't. Now, quit changing the subject and tell me why Nico kissed you." He was serious. My heart sank and I felt like I was being suffocated.

     Was Nico just playing with me?


[Nico's P.O.V.]

     After practice, I followed Rose under the bleachers, making sure no one saw us together. I normally wouldn't give a fuck who saw me with who, but if word got back to Heather that I was with Rose, things could turn ugly.

     "So what was it that you wanted to talk about? Make it quick cause I can't have that idiot wondering around on his own." I figured she was talking about Roland.

     "Well, that's actually why you're here. I know you know more about Roland than anyone right now."


      "I was just wondering what I can do for him. I heard you were helping him with his powers and everything and I just wanted to help out."

     "Trust me that one isn't worth it. There is no helping him."

     "How can you just say that!? Aren't you his friend?" What was with her?

     She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Look. You aren't in any position even begin to understand what Roland has gone through. I know. I also know that practicing with him every day is nothing but a big waste of time."


     "See, you don't get it! You think just because he's a ghost that he'll be here forever?"

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