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This breaks my heart, I couldn't believe I was reading this

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This breaks my heart, I couldn't believe I was reading this...
Liam is one of the most important people in my life, he saved me in so many ways... I can't express how much he means to me and how much I love him. Reading broke me... I was a crying mess, still am while thinking about this or re-reading this.
The fact that he is saying as if it normal it's what scares me the most. He doesn't deserves any of this, he is the most kind person ever. I hate this, I hate feeling like this... I am tearing up while writing...
This article should awake the people who are doing online bullying, this is not right. They should understand that the famous artists are still humans they have feelings like us, they are not puppets or anything.
A while ago I was watching Jesy's from Little Mix documentary "Odd one out" and I cried. I hate seeing her like that. She is so damn strong but the people online can manipulative your feelings and that's definitely NOT Good like At all!!!
People should stop that, like seriously!!!
I was also so mad at the interview he did for the HUGO underwear collection, like so mad why they think they have the right to treat Liam like that, he is a PERSON.
And the fact that he didn't know ANYTHING about this shoot or how is it going to be. He had to drink tequila to calm down and do the shot, I mean comw on really?!
Liam is my favourite human on this planet and I absolutely hate to see him sad, blue or anything bad. He is the light of my life, my whole world and I want him to be happy and good. That is all I want! And anyone tries to do the opposite I am so ready to fight and support my boy.
I could talk for so many hours about Liam and how I love him and feel about him. He deserves the fucking universe not even kidding!
I'm gonna cut it here but I wanted to say that he is my hero, my everything and that I will ALWAYS be here for him, supporting him and loving him ❤️


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