Chapter 3

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A/N Thank you people so much for reading! Please comment and vote! I would love to get some feedback on my stories. Don't play the video until I say so. Now on with the story amazing people!


Draco stepped off the train, memories from his Hogwarts days flooding his mind. Most of which contained Hermione. 

Flashback: (Play the song above)

Draco stepped off the train for the last time. He turned around, giving the Hogwarts express a silent goodbye. Across the platform he saw Hermione, her arms around the Weasel. He gave a small growl before ducking into the shadows. Yes, he had left her a few days ago, and by note too, but he just couldn't have her any longer. He didn't deserve her, as much as she had tried to convince him, he had never really believed her. She never could have loved him. Could she? She would be better off with the Weasel, no matter how much it would kill him. He gave her one last look, her beautiful hair, no longer the bushy mane it was when they were younger. Her caramel brown eyes, that drew him deep into their warm depths, the ones that made him want to spill his deepest secrets. Her warm skin, that he craved to be holding, her perfect lips that made him melt. He let one last tear escape his eye before turning away, Malfoys don't cry. He told himself, willing himself to believe it. He didn't really, all he wanted to do was collapse on his bed, never leave, and constantly be bawling his eyes out. He swallowed, stepping off the platform, and away from Hermione.

End flashback.

He let a tear slip down his cheek, remembering all that had been, how he had ruined it all. It was all his fault, he had thrown it all away because of his stupid doubt. What everyone had deemed impossible, they had made possible, until he had ended it. He closed his eyes, her face appearing underneath his eyelids, her loving face, she saw past the rough facade he had built for himself. All the years of tormenting she had forgiven him for. She had been his lifeboat, his saving grace, that he had cast away. The lump in his throat got larger as he remembered one of his favorite memories of Hermione.

Meanwhile, Hermione was quite put off by her encounter with Draco and was also taking a sad stroll down memory lane. One memory in particular stood out to her.


Hermione was curled up in a corridor, the tears were falling faster now. She sobbed into an old black coat, the only thing of Draco's she had left, safe for the necklace from their first date. She inhaled his scent that was still left on the coat. She was muttering strings of colorful words, cursing Draco in each sentence. Cursing him for leaving her alone, pregnant, leaving her to fend for herself. He left her with a  broken heart that she wasn't sure would be able to love another again. She slowly dragged herself off the ground, standing on her feet now. She threw a punch at the wall. Then another. Then a more complicated pattern of punches and kicks. Her hands were burning, but she didn't care. Blood dripped onto the ground. Her hands now bruised and bloody.

She didn't care. She didn't care for anything anymore. She was a shadow of her old self. She went up and cried in the Astronomy Tower, only coming back down for meals and the occasional last week of the term class. Most nights she fell asleep in the Astronomy Tower, exhausted from her pent up whirlwind of emotions that were wrecking havoc on her health. A few illusion charms and nobody would be able to see the bruises on her thin frame, her bloody hands, the sunken bags underneath her eyes. They never suspected a thing was wrong and as long as she put on a winning smile in public, you couldn't even tell anything in her life had so drastically changed. She wanted Draco back, but he had made it clear he didn't want her.

End Flashback

She gave a long sigh, tugging on Cassi's hand to drag her daughter up towards her second home, Hogwarts. She stopped outside the doors of the Great Hall, mentally preparing herself for the questions she was going to receive. No one had seen her in eight years, save for Blaise and Pansy. She shuddered, thinking of the long night ahead of her. She gently pushed open the door to the Great Hall. Taking a deep breath in she stepped inside, ready to greet her past and face it head on.

A/N  Sorry for the short chapter, but hey, I got three chapters up in one day! Thank you all for reading, as usual please comment and vote. Have a great day/night! Love you all!


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