Chapter 6

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A/N This is hopefully gonna be the last chapter...But we'll see. Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling. ON WITH THE STORY!

Hermione looked around the room, Cassi was chatting happily to Blaise and Pansy, the Potters were catching up with Neville, and Ron was at the buffet. She quickly slipped out of the room after Draco.

She found him sitting outside on a bench overlooking the Black Lake.

"Hey." She stated quietly.

"Hey." He said, still staring at the lake.

She slid into the seat next to him. "So..."

"I'm sorry." He blurted out.

"For what?"

"Everything. Leaving you alone, a single mum, with only Blaise and Pansy as company. Everything."

"I forgive you, " His face lit up at her words, "It will be hard to rebuild what we had though." His face fell again. "But," She stated, a smile gracing her features, "I'm willing to try."

He exhaled, smiling brightly, "I'd like that."

A/N So... Good Story? Bad Story? Please tell me in the comments! I hoped you liked it, I sure do! Love you all so much. Check out my other stories!

See you in another story,


Disappearanceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें