Chapter 5

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This chapter is dedicated to one of my best friends and faithful readers: Social_llama425

A/N Thank you for sticking with me thus far. Harry Potter sadly does not belong to me, they belong to the Queen, J.K. Rowling. Love you guys so much! NOW ON WITH THE STORY!

The two now grown men approached the two women. "Gin, who are you talking to there? I don't recognize 'em." The ginger spoke reproachfully.

Hermione couldn't help but let out a small giggle at Ron's inability to see what was most clearly right in front of his face. "Geez Ron, did I really change that much?" She remarked lightly.

Ron and Harry gaped at her, "Close your mouths boys, you'll catch flies." She smirked at her two former best friends. They closed their mouths but were still quite put off by the fact that their own best friend was in the same room as them. In addition to them she was giving them a smirk that could best Draco Malfoy and give him a run for his money.

Whilst Hermione was off reuniting with her friends, Draco was across the room staring at her. Missing her. Blaise and Pansy strode up to him with jaunty smiles and smirks on their faces. Pansy's voice was but a small whisper that only Draco could hear. "You still love her don't you?"

"More than anyone knows," He whispered back, his voice faltering at the memories swiftly returning throughout his head. He let out a small cry, plopping his head in his hands. A glum expression on his face. "I loved her, still do, and probably always will." 

Her warm caramel brown eyes popped into his head. Her eyes that were so full of understanding and compassion. The eyes that forever draw him deep into their depths until there is no escape. The eyes that forgave his cruel past, deciding that he too deserved a second chance. Her eyes seemed to be the only ones that truly saw him as something other than a lousy Death-eater. 

Pansy and Blaise had sat down next to him, their eyes bearing holes into his back. "Mate," Blaise said solemnly, "You need to tell her how you feel."

"You don't understand Blaise!" Draco exclaimed, "She hates me after what I did, hates me. She probably thinks I'm the worst bloody person on the entire face of the earth!"

And with that Draco Malfoy strode out of the Great Hall. Nobody noticed except for one pair of soft brown eyes that sadly watched him vanish between the large doors to the hall.

A/N Sorry for the short chapter. :( I have writers block and this was just a filler chapter. I love you guys so much! You guys rock!


Another note: I have a challenge for you guys. In the next week or so, reach out to those in need. Smile at those people who seem down, talk to those always alone, say thank you to someone who doesn't usually get thanked. i know you guys can do this and this is my challenge for you guys to maybe change a persons' day. (Or life) Love you all!


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