"Good we got the guys one gave up the other got shot and the one we caught is gonna testify against the accomplice." Damn these guys have a hell of a job. I took the tray and started walking twords the booth they all use, deacon of course stealing 4 beers from the tray to carry for me.

"Street doesn't talk about work with me really. It's weird he used to tell me all about it but its like he found a better outlet I guess." I said nodding twords thw girls.

"Maybe its just visit of dealing with everything with his mom." I nodded and placed the tray full of beers on the table.

"If you need anything let me know Deke." I walked off back to work as closing came around most of the crowd was gone or leaving. Put of the team at was just street with his conquest for the night, Luca and Deacon.

"Jim!" I yelled pullin him from his thoughts. You goin back to the apartment or home with her?"

"And who are you?" The girl got mouthy.

"Me? Ohhhh in the sister who if you don't drop your attitude will kick your ass. Street?"

"Back to the apartment, but she'll be comin too. So maybe you can stay with Luca?" Yea him and his girl. God this is why I need a place of my own. I have a seat at the bar next to Luca and Deacon.

"You good doll?" Luc asked.

"Huh? Oh yea just streets taking a girl back to his place and he wants me to stay with you. But yet he wonders why I wanna move outta his place." I sighed, reaching over the counter pouring myself a draft.

"Well the girl has a few friends over that are gonna be in the guest room, but you can still crash in the living room if you want. I gotta take Deacon home but you can follow." I nodded my head.

"Ive got an empty place. If you want you can stay with me. Least itll be quiet. Saves Luca some gas too." Deacon spoke up. I guess my eyes got wide or something, cause he quickly continued. "I'll take the couch too. Or you can. Up to you." I smiled.

"That would actually be great, if you're sure you don't mind. Hell just for the offer you can drive." His eyes just about popped out of his head.

"I just said I gotta take him home. If you're gonna stay there you'll have to drive dumb dumb." Luca just doesn't pay very close attention.

"Yea I know Luc. Hes had his eyes on my baby outside since the night u came in with jim. Told him maybe one day he could drive." He nodded and we all stand talked before we cleared out. There wasn't much said as Deke slid into the drivers seat. I could see the way he looked so excited, but stayed calm on the outside.

"Drive her like you stole her. But don't leave a scratch on her." And that is exactly what he did. The drive to his house was about an hour away from the bar, and it was filled with laughing and music, hell even some singing.

"This baby rides great. And you're really the one doing the maintenance on her?" I smiled and nodded my head. By the time we pulled up to his place I was way tired. It's only 1 am but it's soo tiring when you've worked since 4 pm on your feet. We both hoped out and he tossed me the keys. "Thanks for letting me drive her." I smiled and followed him up to his door. He opened up and took a step back letting me walk in first. the place was nice, small and cozy. Definitely a Deacon style pad. He showed me around, it was technically a three bedroom but one room is full of a bunch of junk and the other is an office. He really tried to take the couch but i laid right down. I had asked him if I could borrow a shirt of his with the promise to wash it before returning it. I changed and went back to the living room to lay down, happy to find a pillow and a blanket ready for me. He must have gone to bed already, because i didn't see him again before i fell asleep. 

Deacons POV

She really tried to force me to let her sleep on my couch. Little did she know I went to get changed and waited until I thought she was asleep to go check on her. Just like I had figured she was sleeping like a rock. A beautiful, peaceful rock. I carefully slid the blanket off of her and slowly lifted her up into my arms, carrying her to my room where I was planing on her sleeping, she can be mad in the morning .Once she was tucked away I walked out quietly taking one last look before closing the door. Man I don't know what to do about this girl. I mean I know that I am a little older and I think she might feel for me a little, then again a girl... no a woman like her she could just flirt with me cause she can. Especially if shes anything like street. Not to mention I feel like there is something going on between her and Luca lately. Gotta admit makes me a little jealous.

I love training her too, still cant believe what her pos ex did to her. She should never have to be scared. But with the help of me and her brother, luca and the rest of the team she doesn't have a damn thing to worry about anymore. I got myself situated on the couch, and willed myself to stop thinking about the brown haired beauty in my bed.Gotta be up in a few hours for another day.

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