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So I decided to list my fears for y'all to mock and laugh at.
1: the dark.
It's not necessarily the dark it's self, but what could be in it that freaks me out.
2: spiders
I just.... They disgust and scare me.
3: snakes
They really creep me out. They just have something about them.
4: Tornadoes.
This one actually has a logic to it. I used to live in the middle of Tornado alley. And I always had nightmares about my family and everyone I care about being killed by a Tornado. So i became terrified anytime the weather alert sounded.
5: the doctor's office
I'm not scared of the doctor themselves, but the office. I just have too many freaky memories.
6: needles.
They just hurt me so much. That actually another reason I hate the doctors office. It makes me extremely scared. And I just hate them.
7: this is going to sound really really stupid, but..... Small holes.
I know I know. It's a ridiculous fear. But they just give me chills and I hate them.
8: I'm afraid that everyone I care about will leave me and I'll be all alone.
9: I'm afraid that something will happen and I won't be able to do anything about it.
I hate feeling helpless. It makes me angry and frustrated.
10: that no one will accept me

So that's my Top Ten fears. Yeah... I gotta go now. I'm freakin out. I'm at. The. Doctor's. Office.
HELP ME!!!!!!

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