Workshop Battle 3

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To all remaining teams, head to the waiting room.

Waiting area

" Welcome to the teams of the semi-finals.  I am R9, the robot guide of this place."

" You can go back to the rooms, I'll be back."

" I can't believe that, Viole left his team ! " Wangnan sighted.

" The black turtle would never flee, these bastards of fug have surely something to do with it !

" Certainly. "

" Are they the other semi finalists ? "

Tree people were walking in the alley and they were laughing at them:

" It looks like this tournament is easier than expected. "

" This snake told us that he woud pay us a great sum if we qualified for the semi finals. "

" I heard that Jue Viole Grace has fled. "

" I knew that he was an overrated coward. "

In-waiting zone: cinema

PdV Koon

The Fug implanted three punters in the battle of the workshop. What are they doing with Baam?  Why, did they bring him here?

" Blow ! "

" Kind of bastard " some dumb guy cried.

" Leeso ! "

Entry Waiting Area

" You have finally arrived. "

" I was in the middle zone, in the center. "

" Cold turtle !! "

" You've done pretty well , golden boy, you too the crocodile. "

" What did you say????  I am Rak Wri ....."

" In short, where is Koon ? "

" At the movie theater. "

Frost took the direction of the theater and let Rak with an horrible face.

" I am dreaming or he just cut me off. "

He was heading to have a little talk with Koon but he found him with a gun pointed at his head. Two guys were in the room and they weren't looked like friends. One of them were clothed like a guard and the other with some weird purple clothes. He seemed to be vulnerable. He swiped behind him an put his sword on his neck:

" Throws your weapon ! "

" Calm down, they are friends! " Koon said.

" I'm choked !!!! "

The guys in the guard uniform throwed his weapon and Frost let his friend go.

" Who the fuck is this guy ? "

" Leeso, Hatsu, this is Arie Frost. Frost, here are Leeso and Hatsu, old friends. "

" Where were we? Juu Viole Grace is the 25th Baam !!!! "

" How do you know? "

" It's Hatsu who told me. "

Koon  looked at Hatsu to get an explain.

" Lero ro told me. The Fug wants to put the soul of Baam in the thorn in order to create the most terrible weapons. "

" What Lero ro is on the Archimedes !! "

" So that was their plan ! " Koon said surprised.

" You have to save your friend before he melts with the spine. It will be pretty difficult. "

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