*I'm outside tonight if you need anything princessa.* Sab's text said. I sent him a thank you and let him know that he didn't have to stay out there all night.

*Call me.* Aydan's text was the shortest and it made my stomach knot up with nerves. I immediately thought that I was in trouble. After last nights events and discussions I didn't waste any time pressing the call button for Aydan. I wasn't sure what I had done or what I would say but I had promised. I couldn't and wouldn't ignore Aydan.

"Hi baby." When Aydan's voice came through the phone it sounded sleepy and deep. The knot in my stomach loosened into nervous butterflies. He didn't sound even a little upset with me.

"Hi." I said back.

"How was your day?" He asked.

My lips parted in surprise and I glanced down at the phone unsure if I had heard him correctly.

"My day?" I asked.

"mmmhm." He said.

There was a rusting sound that made me wonder if he was sitting up in bed.

"It uhhm it was ok I guess." I said uncertainly.

"How were things with your mother? Did she make you go to ballet practice?" He asked.

"No... Well yes but only to ask if I would be allowed to practice but my teacher is really strict about needing medical clearance and said no so we went to the doctors right after." I explained.

"Did the doctor clear you?" Aydan asked.

"No, she said that I need a couple weeks before I'll be cleared for practice. I thought my mother was going to have a meltdown like last time but she didn't even react." I said shaking my head.

I leaned back against the wall and forced my shoulders to relax. So far talking to Aydan was easier than I had expected.

"That sounds like a good thing." Aydan said.

I nodded more to myself than to Aydan since he couldn't even see me.

"I don't know." I admitted quietly. "I think she's planning something."

"Like what?" Aydan asked.

"Like the night they pushed the engagement on me..." I said. I still couldn't believe they had done it the first time. Imagining a second was making me feel sick all over again.

"What makes you think that?" Aydan asked curiously.

"She made me do all the same things. Fancy haircut, stupid nails, a new fitted dress... I think every part of me was scrapped, stabbed, or painted." I said bitterly.

"Baby..." Aydan sighed. "That sounds like an awful day not an ok day."

My eyes burned a little and I nodded again.

"...but..." I started and caught myself. I didn't want to point out how stupid I was being.

"But what? Aydan asked.

It was too late. I didn't' want to lie to Aydan over something as insignificant as me being a sensitive idiot.

"Most girls would have loved a day like today with their mother. New hair, new nails, new clothes. It's like pampering but it felt more like torture. I feel like I was waxed, snipped, and measured for a stupid dog show or something." I said.

"You are not most girls baby and that's ok." Aydan said. "You don't have to like certain things just because you are a girl. Although I'm sure all of the guys would agree that the day you had sounds awful."

Plié (Lost Birds Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now