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The 2nd oc I created!.


(Updated late march 2021)

Details: Though his shiny fur is marbled in, his fur is multiple shades of blue

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Details: Though his shiny fur is marbled in, his fur is multiple shades of blue. He has dark and golden eyes, though his right eye has faded thanks to the scarring incident. He has sharp claws on his front paws, and bandages on said paws and back legs, more marbled fur hiding behind them.

Name: Hux "Scar" the (mega) Flareon

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual and Demisexual

Crush: None

Fandom: Pokemon

Weapons: Fire Moves, telekinisis, and the ability to mega evolve on command

Height: 3'2  (above average height of a regular flareon, which is 2'11)

Backstory: long as fuck. Read at yer own risk.

Scar walked up with a cup of cocoa in his paws. And smiled.
"Yall must be interested. Well.. lets just say..
I was normal once.. sorta.

I was hatched a shiny eevee. Yet in my forest area, being shiny was a sign of disgrace, and declared different. My dad was the worst of it. He was a flareon like me, and hated shinies. I had a mother, an espeon, yet she left after i was hatched. I also had a sister a vaporeon, her name was Azure. But ill get to her later.

So for years, my dad beat me, scarred me, burned me.. until that fateful day.

He was beating me as usual, and a white glow surrounded me. My golden eyes opened, and i pushed my dad back. I was evolved into a flareon. A shiny one at that. My dad was, at first, shocked, yet outraged. I was dealing with him for about 10 years. Pokemon age weird. But now since i was the same type as him, his attacks wouldnt hurt me as much. So he lept at me again. I retracted my claws, and slashed him away. He gave up early and wondered off. But it wouldnt last.

A year passed with more scars appearing on my skin.

Ill let yall on a secret.

My name started as Jolt..
My dad wanted me to evolve into a jolteon.. but after i was shown to be a shiny, and was starting to scar thanks to my dad. He started calling me Hux, of course im not a huge fan of it. But a nickname wouldnt be far behind. 

Now back to my story.

A year after my evolution... an accident happened..

It was just me and Azure, my vaporeon older sister. I was just trying to relax a bit. But no.. my den was ambushed. By a wild venosaur. It raided my den, and Azure, who was older, told me to hide. I hid under a chair. She, a young vaporeon, was head to head with a very strong Venosaur. I watched in terror.. i wanted to help but i couldnt... i watched her, the only good person i knew in life, be ripped to shreds and murdered.. right in front of me. The venosaur stomped off, and i was turned  depressed, even more than before.

When my dad got home he blamed the murder on me.. and kicked me out of the house permanently..
I was sent to the woods alone.. i was spinning into a deeper depression, feeling helpless on my own

But reguardless. About 3 months after being kicked out.. another series of events happened. So ill start with my scar on my eye.

So i was hunting around for some berries. And i encountered a jolteon. I dont remember his name.. its a shame really..
But we started fighting, and he retracted his claws.. and by that moment. Blood shot everywhere.. and for a while i couldnt see through my right eye at the time. I can now, thankfully.

The jolteon just ran off, and i was forced to rest for a while.

Yet in my vulnerable state, i was captured by Team Rocket.. i was taken to their lab, to be yet another lab rat to their heartless leaders.
They injected me with a series of needles and syrums, all merging to drastically change my genetic makeup.

First thing is that my skin, fur, and fire turned blue. Great. Now i was an even bigger misfit than i already was. The rest of the effects didnt come right away. But they did come.
Before i was about to be injected yet again, the same jolteon from before came and broke me out. We escaped, but not by much..

The nickname? Well.. after getting slashed in the eye, that jolteon called me "Scar-Face." Now thats too cliche, so i simply replied "Just Scar, i guess."
Boom. Theres my equally cliche nickname.

Then, after the jolteon left me in the woods again, i felt more side effects. My claws stayed out, and i couldnt get rid of them, at least the ones on my front paws. Next, i was somehow given psychic and telekinisis abilities. So i could pick up and throw a large variety of objects now. This weirded me out. Basically im a fire and psychic type now. God damn..

But another effect, gives me my title.
I could feel myself growing stronger, getting larger and feeling more strength and power. When i look at my reflection, i was in a mega form! I quickly willed it away, and as if by command, i turned back to normal..

By now i was so tired and confused. And i passed out in a forest, not realising i had accidentally made a portal and sent myself to another dimension..

I woke up in minor pain, but saw a large creature waddle towards me. He looked confused and concerned.

Yall know him as Baxter, or TD, but i didnt know that.
He told me about his dimension and timeline, and told me he could patch me up. With no choice i heasitantly agreed, and he carried me back to the castle.

After eating and resting a bit he wanted to know what happened to me. After i told him my story, he asked if i wanted to go home. I smiled sadly and simply said i had nowhere to go. He was very pacient and kind to me, which was something i havent felt in years.

He stated that i could live with him, but as a wild pokemon. I agreed hapily, and thats about where im at now! Im hanging out and going on adventures with my friends!

And yes, Me discovering im Pansexual and Demisexual is something that happened too, but i dont have enough time to mention here.

So thanks for listenin guys!

Total over 1,000 words. Lol

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