Inner child

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In a world Full of color, with skies so blue,
Sone raindrops fell from my eyelashes,
My heart split in two.
I bled out all grey, the blue faded away,
My body on the ground,
No life left in me to be found.
My life drained onto the floor,
Killing the poor flowers in all their galore.
My body a corpse, once filled with the rays of the golden sun,
Was now left in ruins, left completely undone.
A child came up, fell onto her knees,
Began to sob saying
"Don't say goodbye please"
She wept like the rivers on the Nile of Egypt,
Tears running down as her hair took her sadness and hid it.
"Don't give up on me, please look in the mirror,there is a future please now it's clearer"
The flowers and lilies all rose up, for the tears of the nile has helped them back up.
"My child you are me, I am you, listen here my love, I will never leave you"
She wiped her tears, the sun kissing her skin,
"I will always come back for you time and time again"
She looked in the mirror, to see it was true, her future was clearer,
And the sky was now blue.

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