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The angel whispers in a tone of innocence- "your father hit me so I can no longer see him".
The faint whisper of her final breath, was enough to disturb the devil from his rest.
Eyes roll back and bleed out and cry out revenge, the angels have fallen and my hell is within.
I grab my spine and rip it like a spear,
The devil has possessed me it seems so my dear.
I violently shake like a volcano before eruption.
There's nothing I crave more then beating his face the fuck in.
"Please my dearest child, remember not to sin"
Said the lord above- to him I reply-
"Well someone has to be the devil baby so I'm giving it a fucking try."
My body shakes in violence,apathy,and dread, let me tell you there's nothing more on this planet then I crave for him to be fucking dead.
Why is it the angel and devil are in a fight- I mean -"we both serve justice and what he did was not right.."
I gravel on my knees, getting ready to pray,
-"dear god if you can hear me -make sure he fucking pays.
I live with a demon, he seems pretty scary
But what he underestimated was the devil in me who is wanting nothing other then to play.
You think you're so big and you think you're so bad..
Well I wouldn't think you realize- I'm made of an angel and a devil- one part good..
And one part bad.
Nothing is worse then to see an angel cry,
But the part that makes it worth it is when you see the devil die.
Oh holy Mary where is my sanity?
"Just kidding. I don't need it. This is my new reality."
We walk into court- a judge dressed in velvet blood,
Dripping from the eyes into his mouth, is revenge, and nothing any less.
I see a dead dove, at the gigantic wooden entrance, bleeding from a snapped neck, shown no mercy, only vengeance.
"Place your right hand on the Bible and swear this oath-"I promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth"
Dare I say you -"must make this promise too."
, the accused looks up, and says -"yes your honor I do."
What a dirty fucking liar. He placed his left hand on the Bible too.
"You must cut you hand with a blade of honor, let the blood drip on the Bible,-or your a goner."
The accused grabs the blade, made of obsidian and black, symbolizing the indistinguishable from the lies,and cover of the truth. He cuts his palm, his blood runs red- the blood runs almost as fast as all those lies he said.
The devils jury rises up like a wave of dark blood, capes over there heads- ready to be awoken.
The jury's silence spoke more then words, as throughout my ears I felt a sense of a burning urge.
Songs began to play like a violin made of old oak, timber sound yet ominous, like a truth hasn't been spoke.
Then came the drums, beating like a heartbeat, the rumor around here is that the heart syncs with the guilty.
The masks they wore were covered black, like rotten old blood left to sit there undisturbed.
The masks were blank yet told a tale-of the hundreds of souls who were mercilessly unveiled.
The oaky hum of the jury began, which signaled a testimony was about to become grand.
The hum so deep yet balanced with ease, you could leave a glass of wine and see it shake without a single plead.
Jesus, son of god why is there a serpent slithering around your body?
Is it because the mercy had died cold and bloody?
The judge lights a fire, symbolizing rage and truth,
He grabs an olive branch, proceeding screams say continue.
The eyes of judgement shall reveal all truth, but only at the end, so god help you.
The accused begins to speak, defending his pitiful honor, his voice sounds like thunder, deep and full of a blunder. His voice spoke of innocence, yet sounded like a violin of lies, that's one of the things I most despise. His voice told a story, nobody could hear, but if you listen to the tone come close listen here- it silently sounded like the cries of angel from heaven, having her wings ripped off, torn 7 by 7. It spoke of control, and overwhelming guilt, yet a dash of vengeance and monstrosity were poured out like milk...I never harmed the angel" said the devil with innocence in his eyes, "I only used my nature that caused this unfortunate demise"
"Alright" said the judge, with death written in his eyes, his lashes adding a bit of cursive the the spell of his demise.
"Now angel tell me, what if your defense, how have you fallen and what may help you repent?"
The angel opened her lips, and out poured a song, spilling out like a crystal waterfall of no malicious intent at all. Her tone spoke of pain, tears and agony, like her life had been robbed and like she wanted to say -"it had to be me..." "I was attacked, and my heart is now broken, all of this demise was going to be left unspoken."
The judge nods his head
Takes a big wide grin,
"Here's a blade my lovelies go ahead and cut deep in."
They grab a blade made of clear quartz, to symbolize purity and clarity, they take the blade and cut down forth, on their index fingers so dutifully.
"Now" the judge said, eyes rolling back, let the blood drip in holy water just a single drop and that's that..."
A single blood drop fell, from both of their hands, into their own glass containers, clean and pure, unlike the end...
The angels blood vanished, as if into thin air, non existent in the water and she was free of despair.
The demons drop dissolved into a mess- of bloody dark black and his eyes rolled in despair.
You could hear a demonic laugh, as the eyes of judgement bleed black, a maniac laugh, and a sense of mercy was lacked.
I look up, and take off my robe, this shows I'm the judge of this fucking show.
Now let me show you, what happens to the guilty
Who lie with a tongue that's so fucking filthy.
The demon screams in horror tries to fly out and run across the border screaming -"let me out!!"
The jury pours like the waters of Moses rising up but bleeding through masks and making no noises.
The doors are locked.
The key is missing.
As the judge I swallowed it whole
And now it' seems missing.
The angel is gone
She went back home
Now it's time to see how many lies you hold.
The demon looks up with eyes of what was once an angel, what was once my protecter, and what once was a holy angel.
I step closer forward,
With my eyes dripping unholy blood
Now let me show you what happens to the guilty you fucking
L i a r.

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