Chapter Fifteen: The Ashlands

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"What did you do to me? Fuck is this? Pain?"

The rest of the Demons went wide-eyed at their wounded leader. All of them too shocked to move. He must have been a strong leader for his comrades to be this surprised. Varnerk hissed and tore off his armour and then his undershirt to use as a makeshift bandage. He was a very large, muscled male. Even more so than my mate. Although his body was coated in scars. Every inch of his torso looked to be covered in them. I was confused and shocked to see a creature in such shape, especially still alive.

"I'm impressed, little female. I don't give praise very often either, but you did the one thing no man has ever been able to do since the Queen's experiments. You made me feel pain. How? I'm uncertain but still, impressive." Varnerk chuckled and began to regain his composure.

"Gorenora? Are you injured, my Sweet?"

I turned to face Angel and gave him a soft smile. My energy was drained once again, and my flames died out. Our child was taking a lot more energy than I had expected.

"Not injured. Just tired." I assured him and moved in between his legs.

Once I was comfortable, I returned my gaze to Varnerk. His expression was unreadable and confusing, to say the least.

"Thank you for your praise. It does not go unappreciated."

I decided it would be better to respond than ignore him. Maybe it would improve my chances of gaining their trust and loyalty. Some of the other Demons smiled at me, approving of my thanks to their leader.

"She did experiments on them? What sick, twisted bitch would do such a thing? To her own supposed people, no less." Angel questioned and laid his chin upon my shoulder.

He looked at my tired expression with worry and then up to Varnerk. Embarrassingly, my stomach grumbled, my body needed food. Especially, to support our little one.

"You must feed my wife!"

Varnerk turned back to face us and smirked.

"We must be on our way. She'll eat when we feel like feeding her. If you're lucky, we might even let you both stay with the rest of the group."


"No? I don't see you the one in control here tribesman."

Angel huffed irritated and looked at me again before returning his gaze to the men before us.

"Please, she is with child. If you have any morals and sanity left in you. You'll feed her. I don't care if you starve me! Fucking, beat me for all I care but she needs to keep her strength!"

This seemed to have struck a chord with the cold male before us. He actually seemed lost in thought with a sad smile on his face. It was odd to see his face so relaxed, even though we hadn't been captured for a long time. He didn't seem like the one to show many emotions.

"I was like you once. She was the most amazing woman I had ever met. But that's a tale for another time. Maybe. Fine. Don't tell the Queen this when we see her though. Come! Men! Feed the weaklings wife! Then we will be off!"

So much for mister nice guy. I wonder what they put him through. Angel let out a sigh of relief and kissed our mark, making me flush a bright shade of red. It wasn't long before we were surrounded. Demons removed the chains from the tree and fed me a cold stew and bread.

To which I quickly ate, our child was determined to develop faster, apparently. They pulled Angel to his feet and went to give me the same rough treatment before Angel let out a menacing snarl. One of the Demons stepped before the others. A Demon with a black, wolf head tattoo on his upper torso and gently helped me up.

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