Chapter Eight - Black Hole

Start from the beginning

It was silent except for the squishing sound of wet shoes. Everyone was quiet and alone in their thoughts. Charlie scanned the side aisles and the upper balcony, his headtorch illuminating anything within a six-metre range. All was clear, but he sensed that his visitor was present, hiding in the shadows, and for the first time, he didn't feel afraid.

They proceeded towards the large ornate double doors ahead, which opened to a sizable computer area at the rear of the building.

'It's down there,' Richmond said, pointing to the left, down a narrow corridor with a staircase leading to the first floor on the left and a reading area bordered by bookshelves on the right.

Derkein drew in a deep breath and took the lead, Alex behind him, followed by Richmond.

Charlie was about to pursue them but paused when he felt a tingling sensation course through his body, sending goose bumps along his arms. 'Whoa!'

The others stopped and turned to him.

'What –?' Derkein began.

The lights above them started blinking.

The gang exchanged nervous glances.

'Someone's here,' Alex murmured, alarmed.

Charlie looked back towards the direction they had come from and saw the main area still shrouded in darkness.

'I thought the library didn't open till nine,' Alex went on. 'Charlie, what time is it?'

Charlie looked at his watch and frowned. The minute and the hour hands were spinning in opposite directions. He tapped the screen twice and then paused as the realisation sank in. Dipping his hand inside his pocket, he pulled out the compass and opened it. His eyes shifted from the compass to the watch, and his heart skipped a beat.

The lights stopped flickering.

'That was weird,' Alex remarked.

'It's here,' Charlie said under his breath. He looked at the others. 'The gateway is here.' He started down the corridor, moving around Alex and Richmond, and stopped in front of Derkein. Glancing at the door behind the staircase, he caught sight of the logo above it. 'I want to come.'

Derkein sighed. 'We're not having this discussion again.'

'But the letter –'

'I know what the letter said, Charlie,' Derkein interrupted him, 'but we don't know anything about Arcadia. I know you want answers, but this is not the way.'

'But you can't go alone,' Richmond said, appearing beside Charlie.

'This is not a negotiation,' Derkein said, his voice firm.

'But she led me here for a reason,' Charlie interjected.

Derkein paused, a strange expression – half apprehensive, half curious – gracing his features. 'She?'

Charlie gulped. 'I meant the, um, the logo.' He walked around Derkein, clenching his jaw. He could feel their stares boring into the back of his head. It took much willpower for him to turn back to them. 'Okay, just don't freak out.'

Derkein lifted his head back. 'Oh Lord, help us.' He placed his hands on his head as he regarded Charlie. 'You had another dream.' His voice wavered on the edge of panic.

'No,' Charlie said.

Derkein lowered his hands, relaxing his shoulders.

Charlie went on, 'Someone's following me.'

'What!' Alex exclaimed, and then she slapped her hand over her mouth as her voice echoed around them. Lowering her hand, she whispered, 'Sorry.'

'Who's following you?' Derkein asked Charlie.

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