Issue 16: Two for One Special

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"So you're the one running around my base?"

"Guilty as charged." Cheshire said as she continued to practice her martial arts. "I was sent here to get rid of you. Speaking of, I should probably do that right now." She said before backflipping over to hit me with a kick only to fall on her face. "...Well that didn't go as planned."

"Honestly I'm insulted that the Legion thought a mere D Lister could beat me."

"Woah, D Lister!?" Cheshire said getting up. "I'm at least a C plus! Maybe even a B minus!"

"Sure you are." I said rolling my eyes.

"At least people have heard of me." She said with a hand on her hip and with a playful smirk. "Out of the three of you the one with the most clout is Gravy over there and that's for being Lex's crony who used to get her ass kicked by Harley Quinn every other week."

"Crony!? Got her ass kicked!?"

"Oooh, she's pissed." Cheshire laughed making me chuckle a little too.

"Go take Mercy to cool down before she strangles our newest team member." I told Roulette.

"Team member?" Cheshire asked before letting out a dry laugh. "Sorry but I can't really just swap sides like that."

"Adorable how you think you have a choice." I said as Roulette and Mercy walked out. "I'm sure you noticed how despite what I assume was years of martial arts training, you fell flat on your face trying to hit me with the most basic of attacks for someone of your skill level?"

"Giving me a lot of compliments for someone who just called me a D Lister a minute ago." Cheshire said. "But yeah, not going to lie, I'm scratching my head on what exactly happened there."

"Well you see, when my security extracted you last night they implanted a small chip into your brain and I effectively own you. One of the automatic controls are 'don't hurt (Y,N) (L,N) or Mercy Graves'."

"Really now?"

"Don't believe me?"

"I think I need some more proof. How about I try to kill you a-"

"Cheshire, flip up your Gi!" I shouted before Cheshire pulled up the front of her gi.

"Oooooh, naughty!" Cheshire said with a devilish smile.


"Well, if my victims are lucky enough, I'd like them to see a quick glimpse of heaven before they die."

"You're taking this mind control thing surprisingly well." I said. Cheshire shrugged.

"So what am I like your slave or something?"

"More or less but it's a lot less fun to just force you to do everything I want you to. So it's more like I'm your boss and you do what I say, only controlling you when you refuse to do something extremely important for my plans."

"Well let's try to never get you to have to control me boss." She said lazily saluting me. I raised an eyebrow. "First things first, though, you might wanna prepare to deal with my other boss. Give it a week before he shows up and kills all of you."

"Oh really? And who is this 'other boss'?" I asked.

"The Demon's Head."

"I-...You're in the League of Assassins?"


"And you work for... Rā's Al Ghul?"

"Uh Huh." She nodded. I let out a groan before pinching the bridge of my nose.

"This... might complicate things."

"You're the one who complicated things by not dying." Cheshire playfully said.

"Well I mean, I could just return the favor. I have Deathstroke on speed dial. If anyone can off that caveman it's Wilson." For the first time since the conversation started Cheshire became serious.

"How dare you! Don't insult the Demon's Head!"

"Well I guess I found out what it takes to push your buttons. But to be honest you were cuter when you weren't angry." I said.

"Only cute?" Cheshire asked seemingly still upset but reverting back to her playful personality.

"Wellllll I do think you're more than a little beautiful."

"You know you've got a funny way of hitting on girls who just tried to cut your head off."

"Well I feel like I have to in order to be a super villain." I said. "Enough chit chat though. I have important business to attend to."

"Can I come with?"

"I suppose so... however," I said before ordering "Cheshire is not to harm a single member of The Vicious Circle!"

"The Vicious Circle? Is that the name of your little bad boy club?"

"More or less. I think it sounds slightly less generic than The Legion of Doom." I said. I opened the door and waited for Cheshire. "Ladies First."

"Oh, such a gentleman." She said as she sauntered past me, shaking her hips.

"I have to check on one more prisoner, but why don't you go down the hall and get acquainted with the rest of the team? And remember, you can't harm any of them. So I wouldn't start picking fights."

"Sure thing, boss. That has a nice ring to it don't you think? I'm probably going to miss saying that once you're dead in a week." She said before walking away. I walked into Killer Frost's room where she was chopping the heads off tiny snowmen. She looked up at me with a scowl.

"I'm finally going ahead with my plans to kill the Justice League. You can come see if you-"

"Fine I'll-" Lincoln said before become very quiet.

"What was that?"

"I said I'll jo-" She began muttering again.

"Maybe I'll hear you better tomorrow."

"I'll join your dumbass team! And I'll listen to what you say!" Louise shouted in anger. I couldn't help but smugly smile.

"Louise Lincoln can now exit the room!" I said. Louise shot up from her bed before slowly walking to the entrance. She took one step out the door and looked back at me. "Here's to a fruitful partnership."

"Uh Huh" She said before ice formed in her hands. I rolled my eyes before the blue aura disappeared and I used my telekinesis to throw her into a wall.

"That was your one and only warning. Don't try to double cross me, or you'll be back in the ground where I found you." I said. "And by the way,

Welcome to the team."

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