You Know, That First Awkward Cast Party

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It's not a typical party, Lara can tell that much as soon as she walks in the door. For one thing, there's three teenage boys in a corner completely jamming out to Today 4 U, which is a rare sight anywhere. And for another thing, while there are a few foods on a table, no one's touched any of the more snack foods. And most of the soda is undisturbed.

Lara discovers why within the minute: Riley literally comes out of nowhere, grabbing Lara by the elbow and swinging her around.

"Isn't this amazing?" Riley says breathlessly. Lara opens her mouth to answer, slightly bemused when Riley continues before she can get a word out.

"I mean, did you see all the press that showed up outside today? Like, wow! Wow! And I finally Googled the composer and book writer, and they're famous. Like really, really famous. Famous! I mean, they only wrote one thing for this competition a few years ago, but do you know how many awards and nominations they got in that competition? I mean-"

"Alright, that's enough!" Flynn whoops, diving between the girls. "Don't fear, Lara dear! I'll save you!"

Lara giggles. "Did you just rhyme?"

"Gross," Riley sighs.

Flynn moves closer to Lara, pretending to cover his mouth as he mock whispers, "So, how many times did Riley use the words 'I mean'?"

Riley blushes and looks as though she's about to slug Flynn. Lara decides that that's probably not how they want to start the show off.

Lara's ready to have to call Annabell to get Riley to stand down, but as soon as she takes Flynn by the shoulders and moves him behind her, Riley relaxes.

"I'm sad!" she proclaims. "I wanna eat junk but we're having a read through tomorrow."

Riley pouts.

That explains the food, Lara thinks.

Flynn disappears, and Riley huffs. "I wanna talk to the people in charge," she says impatiently. "They're all in the office talking to parents."

This is news to Lara. "What for?"

Riley's voice drops to a whisper, and Lara has to lean in closer to hear her. "Apparently there's some dark stuff in the show. Nothing explicit, just dark. I think they wanna make sure all the kids' parents are okay with it before we get started."

Lara says nothing. She wonders how dark dark is. She wonders if getting this role was a good idea.

Lara ends up spending the next twenty minutes talking to some of the kids, who are all excited beyond belief and end up trying to out sing one another. Lara then joins in their loud groans of protest as nearby, Flynn makes another smart remark to Riley, and the girl grabs his neck and plants a sloppy kiss on him.

Flynn runs off shouting and wiping his mouth, and Riley collapses to the ground with laughter.

That's when the adult intervention starts. Up until that point, the grownups had been in their own little corner, no doubt drinking wine that someone had bought as a present. One of the women walks over to talk to Riley. The group of kids snickers at this, and within a heartbeat the woman's heading for them.

"Bye," Lara says, standing up and getting away as fast as she can. No one comes after her, but Lara keeps going until she almost runs into the opening door.

Lara takes a quick step back, out of the door's swinging rage. The crowd of parents come through, and Lara doesn't have to look hard to see that some her the other teenagers have moms or dads among them.

A Shot in the ShadowsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon