iii. horror movie

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taehyung sighed for the nth time that day. he contemplated on whether he should eat alone or just wait for jungkook.

now, he actually heard jungkook say that he shouldn't wait for him but he was still hesitant to eat alone.

another sigh escaped his lips as he reached for his phone to kill some time and wait for jungkook.

it had been almost half an hour since the younger left and taehyung was done settling down which left him with nothing to do.

as he was scrolling through instagram, a text from his only friend bogum caught his attention.

"hey tae, wassup! wanna hang out and have lunch?" was what the message said. his lips twitched into a small smile as he typed in a reply.

"alright, i'm down."

"great! i was planning to order pizza. sounds good?" taehyung hummed at the mention of pizza, his stomach already growling.

"yeah sounds good. i'll be over in 10." and so with that, taehyung decided to just eat lunch with his best friend because he was really starving by now.


after eating lunch with bogum, taehyung quickly went home and took a rest. when he got to their house, it was already 2 pm and jungkook still wasn't home yet.

for whatever reason, he felt really tired and maybe even stressed out.

he guessed it was just because of all the things happening right now. all of this arranged marriage thing was really making taehyung stressed.

so, the said boy just decided to watch horror movies to shrug the feeling off, 'cause why not?

it was then he regretted it, he was halfway through the movie entitled 'scary stories to tell in the dark' when it was chucks' turn to die.

the said character was being slowly surrounded by these scary looking women.

he was in the intersection of four hallways and with every hallway, a chubby white and long-haired woman was slowly walking towards the aforementioned character.

it suddenly made taehyung anxious. he remembered his days when he always felt like this. anxious and terrified.

his own pleas filled his head, he was begging them to stop, begging him to stop. but they didn't, no matter how loud he shouted for them to stop, they didn't.

thankfully, before his own thoughts could break him any further, he was snapped back to reality when the tv made a sudden loud sound. taehyung sighed and shook his head. now's not the right time to think about that. a sigh was released from his lips again as he stood up and turned the tv off.

he got up from the couch and made his way upstairs, but sudden loud knocks on the door made him halt.

thinking it was jungkook, hs shrugged his shoulders and ignored it. besides, he knew the ravenette had a key.

with that, he continued his way up the stairs. taehyung quickly changed into an oversized white shirt and black shorts then went to take a nap.

as he fell deep into sweet slumber, he didn't know that someone on the door had already barged in and collapsed on the couch, clutching his bloody shoulder.


"boss!" a shout from a handsome, tall, and smart looking man grabbed jungkook's attention as soon as he went to the 3rd floor.

"namjoon! where is he?" the ravenatte questioned, he jogged towards namjoon whilst shooting two men with his gun.

"he's on the top floor! probably in your office!" the blondie replied. jungkook nodded and dashed to the top floor.

as fast as he could, jungkook ran towards the elevator of their base (which was exclusively used by his mafia) only to curse at it seeing that it was not functioning because their was no power.

oh what great luck our jungkookie has. so with that, he went up the stairs and upon reaching it, he walked cautiously with his gun held out.

slowly, jungkook opened the door to his office and as expected, kai was inside, sitting beautifully on his swivel chair with a damn smirk on his face.

"oh hey jungkook~", kai sang out, he slowly stood up and stepped towards jungkook who stood still with his gun held out and kai did the same, but then the said boy lowered it again and reached for a folder.

"oh wait! look what i found jungkook!", with a sly smirk on his face, kai held out the folder and pointed to an obvious picture of taehyung on it.


the folder kai was currently holding was jungkook's research about taehyung.

creepily enough, he really did research on taehyung before their arranged wedding to know his whereabouts and other informations because since their childhood, they didn't really have much time to catch up.

a smirk crept on jungkook's lips as he pulled the trigger and without hesitation shot kai on his thigh. the said boy hissed and dropped down to his knees.

jungkook went towards kai and stepped on the said boys chest while surely breaking some ribs seeing that kai screamed so loud in agony and pain.

"give me this, you fucker", jungkook snapped and harshly pulled the folder. he pointed his gun at kai's head and smirked once again when he saw the aforementioned boy's wide and trembling eyes.

with a loud bang, the bullet went straight into kai's head, surely killing him in the process.

as jungkook held the folder, he ran towards the door and went outside. but as soon as he stepped out, a bullet shot his shoulder making him stumble back and drop the folder because of the force. he grumbled under his breath, cursing at whoever that was.

the ravennate looked at the man who shot him with a burning glare. and without sparing any more time, he released a bullet from his gun and shot the aforementioned man right in his chest where his heart was located before the man could even react.

jungkook hissed loudly in pain, he went back downstairs only to find his hyungs panicking and running around while treating all of the injured members, and fuck there were so many of them.

jungkook noticed that his hyungs were really needed there. so, he just quietly went out of the building without his hyungs noticing him because of busyness.

he figured he could treat his wound on his own after getting back to his house and so that's what he settled with and went to his car.

and that was how jungkook ended up slumping in the couch while clutching his bloody shoulder.


a/n: sorry it took me long to update <3

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