"Ye-- oh bollocks. Sara can I jump into Hell now?" John turned around mid-sentence. Sara just sighed.

"No, John. Last time you went to Hell we almost lost you and Ray. We are not going through that again." Sara told him, getting annoyed.

"Wait. What do you mean again??? Mick, what did you do this time?" Garcia asked John. Team Arrowverse all just looked at Rory.

"Who did you piss off this time, Mick?" Nate asked the hothead. Meanwhile, no one noticed as one certain magical teenager disappeared.

"It wasn't me this time!" Mick roared. The Red Cell team looked confused.

"We weren't talking to you. We were talking to him." Beth Griffith said. (YES she IS alive!) She pointed to Constantine. Teams Arrow and Legends looked at him weirdly. Then, Ally came back, with some guests.

"Mick?!?!" yelled Spencer Reid, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, and Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau. Constantine just rolled his eyes and looked at Sara, pleadingly.

"No, John! Now, what the hell is going on, why do you keep screaming at Mick and then saying that it's not him, and John how do you know these people?" Sara yelled. 

"You know what? John, you explain this pile of shit you've gotten yourself into, or don't, I have videos for that. I am going to go grab some... others." Ally said.

-In Stockton, California-

Ally appeared in the middle of a motel room, where a heated argument was going on. The three people in the room noticed her almost immediately. So, naturally, she had two guns and a blade pointed at her. 

"Woah, woah, woah! Stand down, soldiers! You too, Canary." Ally told them. The two guns were still being aimed at her, but the girl with the blade faltered her stance. She looked at her, confused.

"How do you know that name? And how did you get in here?" the girl asked.

"Oh, Laurel, Laurel, Laurel. Or do you prefer Ruby? Actually, I don't care, I'm calling you Laurel. Long story short, I'm a teleporter type thing, I kidnap people and tell their secrets to their friends/loved ones/whoever they're close to. And, I'm here for you three." Ally told them. She snapped her fingers, and Laurel, or Ruby, and the two brothers, the Winchesters, teleported to the theater.

"Oh, my god. Laurel? You're alive? How are you alive?" Both Oliver and Sara shouted at her. She was supposed to be dead. The Winchesters just looked at Ruby, confused.

"Ruby, do you know these people?"  Dean asked the demon.

"Yeah. So?" Said demon responded. Sam just rolled his eyes.

"You're not helping yourself here, Ruby," Sam said, exasperated.

"If you were keeping this a secret, how do we know that you won't try to kill us?!" Dean shouted. 

"I've already told you this a thousand times, Dean! I'm not trying to kill you! If I was, then you would already be dead!" Laurel shouted back at the two. Team Arrowverse was just watching this exchange very confused. Ally spoke, telling them to stop. Then, she snapped her fingers, and someone appeared. 

"Dad?!" Laurel and Sara both yelled at him.

"Hey Sara, hey Laurel-- wait, Laurel?! How are you alive? Do I even wanna know the answer to that?" Quentin Lance was bewildered. Now, both of his kids had supposedly come back to life.

"Probably not," Laurel replied. She stood there awkwardly in front of her loved ones, the people from her past. She only wished for one thing. If only Tommy were here. She thought to herself.

Secrets~(A Flash/Supergirl/Shadowhunters/Glee crossover)Where stories live. Discover now