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    Macy reaches the last steps and looks around in the basement, noticing nothing had changed. She looks at the well and feels goosebumps forming on her arms. " A lot of memories here, all bad. " Ben states, remembering back to the last time they were faced with the well. Macy nods her head slowly, walking towards the well and flashing her light down the dark abyss.

Tho losers make their way down the well and before any of them could comprehend or think about their situation, they were faced with greywater. The water splashes under Macy's feet as she tenses up at the uncomfortable feeling of her clothes getting wet. " Oh, man greywater! " Eddie groans as he lands in the water. " More confirmation that nothing has changed. " Richie mutters as he looks down at the gross greywater

" Yeah, greywater is still fucking disgusting asshole " Eddie shoots back, making Macy chuckle to herself as she walks through the Derry sewers. " Mike how will we know when we're there? " Macy questions, looking around at her surroundings. He turns his head towards the woman, looking into her eyes.

" You'll know. "

The water gets higher as they walk into the cistern and all the losers immediately knew they were in the right place." Shit, this is it. this is where it happened. " Ben confirms what Mike had said, with the memories flooding back to him. Mike jumps into the cistern, holding out a hand for Macy, she grabs the hand before stepping into the water. Her body tenses at the feeling of the water that is now up to her chest. " Nope! Nope! " Eddie calls out from in front of her, holding his hand up as something floats in front of him.

" Bevie? " A voice calls out, making Macy and Beverly's heads turn. The two then lock eyes both equally frightened confused. " Come on Bev. " Macy says, with the women trying to ignore the calling of Beverly's name. " I thought I heard something. " Beverly replies, now walking next to Macy, the two women brushing shoulders as they followed the others.

The room suddenly was filled with the ear-piercing screams of Beverly and Macy. Both screaming at the sight of a naked old woman submerging from the water in front of them. The other losers snap their heads towards the two, being met with them both in tight headlocks by the old woman. " Time to sink. " IT screams before diving back under the water and bringing Beverly and Macy down with IT.

Four men immediately jumped in after the two, leaving Eddie on the surface, alone and scared. While Eddie cries out for them on the surface, Macy felt the same way she did the first time she was submerged underwater by IT, back in 1989. She and Beverly tried their hardest to break free of IT's grip, holding their hands out for any of the men to grab onto.

The women felt themselves getting lightheaded while going deeper under the water. Until Ben and Bill suddenly grabbed onto Beverly's hand with Mike and Richie gripped onto Macy. With their grip tight on the two, they were able to pull them away from IT and back up towards the surface.

Macy and Beverly let out loud coughs once they were faced with the surface, making Eddie let out a big sigh of relief. Macy rests her head on Richie's chest trying to catch her breath while Mike pats her back lightly. " I don't really feel like crying. " Eddie groans as he rubs his temples with his shaking hands. Richie looks up from Macy towards Eddie, not knowing where they have to go next, but hoping they don't have to stay here any longer.

" Mike? Where do we go from here? " He calls, causing Mike to look up at him, now rubbing the coughing women's back. Macy looks up from Richie's chest to face Mike. He doesn't answer the question and turns to walk towards Eddie, knowing that where they need to go is beyond here.

" Are you okay? " Richie mutters as they climb to the top of the cistern. She nods her head, too shaken up to say anything, and stands up onto her feet, watching the other adults do the same. They all look down at the wood panels, seeing a sewer cover staring back at them. Macy looks up from the sewer cover, as Mike begins chanting the same phrase over and over again.

T R U T H - it chapter twoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें