5. the show must go on

Start from the beginning

I could feel my cheeks beginning to burn. "Mom, stop." I whispered. "Let's not make a big deal out of it."

Out of nowhere, Rory came rushing over to me. "Where have you been?" He asked. "Everyone's freaking out. Rachel has a fever and most likely won't be able to perform." He rambled. Rory grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my seat.

"What's going on?" My dad asked as I placed the flowers I had brought onto his lap. I didn't have a chance to answer before Rory was dragging me backstage.

The cast and crew were in complete chaos. Everyone was yelling over each other. "She can't perform like this! She'll ruin everything." Artie complained. "I'm sorry, but I can't kiss her like that! What if I get sick?" Blaine questioned. "Once again, Rachel ruins everything." Santana said.

I rolled my eyes before standing up on a chair. "Everyone, shut up!" I shouted. The room finally went silent. "This musical starts in less than 15 minutes and none of you seem prepared."

"I- I- I have to play Maria." Rachel spoke up. "I need this for NYADA."

"Rachel, I'm sorry, we can't let you go up there, at least not tonight." Coach Beiste said.

"We have to cancel." Tina said.

"No." Rachel disagreed. "The show must go on." Rachel turned her attention to me. "Madison, you've been helping me memorize my lines. You have to play Maria." I could feel my face heating up. I got down from the chair. Who could be sure that I was prepared for this just because I helped Rachel learn her lines? "You deserve this, Madison. And you know all the songs by heart, okay?" I squeezed Quinn's hand tightly.

Blaine turned his attention to me. "We'll be helping you out every step of the way." He assured.

"Even me." Santana admitted. "I might not be fond of Berry, but I like you enough to help."

I took a deep breath before nodding my head slightly. "Okay," I whispered. "I can do this." As everyone cheered and clapped, Quinn pulled me into a hug.


Blaine and I watched from the side as Santana and the rest of the cast performed America.

"H- how am I supposed to follow that?" I questioned nervously. "I- I don't think I can do this." I admitted. "This was a terrible idea."

Blaine shook his head. "No, don't say that. Rachel has mentioned how much you've helped her in preparing for this role. She even said that you been singing these songs your whole life." Blaine said before placing his hands on my shoulders and looking me in the eyes. "I might be a virgin, which Artie said makes me lack passion but it doesn't matter. And it doesn't matter that neither of us are attracted to each other because I'm convinced we both know what it feels like to love and find someone against all odds." A smile appeared on my face as Quinn crept into my mind. Sure, our relationship was just starting but we had gone through so much just to get to where we are now. "We, as actors, have to tap into our experiences of finding that special person."

I nodded my head, feeling a bit more confident. Then we were hurried onto the stage.


Blaine held my hand as he slipped on the ring. "With this ring, I thee wed."

Then I followed his movements and slid the ring on his finger. "With this ring, I thee wed." I said.

Make of our hands one hand
Make of our hearts one heart
Make of our vows one last vow
Only death will part us now

Make of our lives one life
Day after day, one life

Blaine and Madison:
Now it begins, now we start
One hand, one heart
Even death won't part us now


I hurried over to my parents after it was over. "Mija!" My mom said as her mouth dropped open. "I thought you said Rachel was playing Maria!"

"What in the world happened?" My dad asked.

I shrugged. "Rachel had a fever and wasn't feeling well, and Artie forgot to cast an understudy." I explained. "So I did it."

My parents exchanged confused looks. "She was fine. Rachel and her dads sat next to us and she seemed more than healthy." My mom informed.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Th- that's impossible. She said she was gonna go home to rest so she'd be ready for tomorrow's-" I didn't finish my sentence due to the sudden realization that she faked it. There was Rachel Berry, proving to me that she wasn't all that bad.

I suddenly felt my phone vibrate. I checked to see a message from Rachel. I knew I could trust you to open up! I realized missing one performance won't screw up my NYADA application. Also I'm at Finn's but if my dads ask, I'm spending the night at your house to celebrate your performance. I smiled at her text before putting my phone away.

"So what are we doing with these flowers?" My dad asked. "Should we jus give them to you?" I shook my head before taking the flowers from him.

I glanced over at my group of friends at my group of friends as they laughed. "I was wondering if I could go to Breadstix to celebrate with my friends?" I asked. My parents looked at each other again before nodding in approval.

"Call us when you get there and I don't want you out too late." My mom said.

I ran over to Quinn who was talking to Mike and Santana. "Well, look who we got here, the girl who saved the musical!" Mike joked.

"And I'll do it again if I have to." I said back. "It was so much fun." I turned to Quinn and handed her the flowers. "These are for you."

I noticed Santana's cheeks grow red while she bit her lip uncomfortably. It was obvious why. She and Brittany were adorable together but she tried to keep their relationship a secret.

Tina and Brittany came running over to us. "Okay, are we all ready to head out for Breadstix?" Mike asked.

"I wants my unlimited breadsticks." Santana said excitedly.

"Wait, do we all fit in the car?" I asked. "If not I can ask Mercedes for ride?"

"No, Mike brought the mini van." Tina informed. "We all fit."


author's note:
thank you for reading💕 i felt like madison deserved this. i was trying to find a way to get her into the troubletones but also have her play maria.

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