4. the neglected artist

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I walked into the choir room with the flyer for an art show

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I walked into the choir room with the flyer for an art show. I'd be showing my photography next Saturday night. I don't mean to brag, but my work was worth showing off even if it was just the local community center.

"Can you define what you mean by "neglected artist"?" Rachel asked.

"Um, someone whose brilliance isn't always appreciated." Mr. Shue answered.

"Oh, so you mean like me." Rachel stated, making Mercedes roll her eyes.

"I mean, like all of us." Mr. Shue said back. "All right, everyone, next Saturday night, in our auditorium, McKinley High's first annual "Night of Neglect" fundraiser benefit is officially a go!" Crap. Everyone clapped. Once it got silent, Mr. Shue looked over at me. "You had an announcement, Madi?" Mr. Shue asked.

I looked down at the flyer in my hand before crumpling it up. "N-nothing. It was nothing."


A bunch of members were walking in the hallway together as they discussed their plans for the fundraiser. "The Mike Chang Dance Dance Revolution. I'm tired of my dancing being overshadowed by all of you guys' singing." Mike said. I get what you mean. "It's going to be just me and my sweet moves on that stage."

"You're forgetting about the most neglected artist this Glee Club's ever seen-- Aretha Franklin." Mercedes said.

"Neglected?" Lauren asked. "She's, like, the Queen of Soul."

"See, I auditioned for this club singing "Respect," and she's gotten none since. So I'm doing Aretha." Mercedes responded.

"What about you, Mads?" Mike asked.

I shrugged. "I actually can't go. Prior engagements." I replied, fiddling with my fingers.

"There's no way you can get out of it?" Tina asked.

I shook my head. "No, not really."


I picked at appetizers on the food platter while my parents came over to me.

"Mija, your photos are absolutely beautiful." My dad complimented.

"By far, some of your best work." My mom added, looking around the room. "Were your friends gonna stop by?" She asked.

"Uh, they're performing for a fundraiser at school." I informed. "So yeah, they're busy."

"I wouldn't be too sure." My dad said as he smiled. I turned to face what he was looking at. There in front of me stood the Glee club, Mr. Shue and even Kurt and Blaine.

"H- how'd- did you guys tell them?" I asked my parents.

"Turns out you were the most neglected artist of them all." Santana said, crossing her arms.

Rachel handed me a bouquet of flowers and hugged me tightly. "For the only person that is as talented as I am."

"Thanks." I replied, giving her a warm smile.

"Well, aren't you gonna show us your work?" Mr. Shue asked.

"Right." I said, nodding my head. I led them towards the wall, where my photos were hanging. Most were candids of members of the glee club.

"I have to have this picture after. I look really hot." Santana said, pointing to the photo of herself.

"It's all yours." I said back.


I walked up to a certain someone I hadn't spoken to since Regionals. "Hi." I greeted.

"Hey." She replied, closing her locker.

"Rachel told me what you did." I informed.

"I didn't do anything." She replied as she started to head towards class.

I caught up to her. "You found the flyer on the floor, and you told the glee club about it." I said.

Quinn stopped walking and faced me. "I've seen your work, and I just think I'd be a shame if no one got to see it."

"Quinn," I sighed. "I hate the way we left things. I was hoping that we could start fresh. You know, be friends?"

She stayed silent. Oh, no. This is where the rejection comes in. She nodded her head slightly before giving me a small smile. "Yeah, sure. Better than not getting along." We continued to walk down the hall. "Can't wait to see your photos at the MoMA one day."

"One can dream, Fabray." I joked.


author's note:
sorry this chapter's so short, but i promise the next one will be longer. i felt like there wasn't a lot to write about for this chapter. thanks for reading💕

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