Forgiveness and the Truth

Start from the beginning

I see him and I look at his face and he seemed drunk?

Ruby: Yang have you ever seen that fighting stance?

Yang: No... I have not what kind of fighting stance is that?

Weiss: He looks like a fool.

I was about to say something until Miss Goodwitch said.

Goodwitch: Begin!

Third POV

You then look at your opponent while you are drunk.

Mercury: What kind of stance is that?

Y/N(drunk): It's a kind of stance(hic) that you wouldn't(hic) understand.

He began the assault but you dodge it easy while drunk he then goes for multiple attacks. But again he couldn't understand your style so you blocked it some of the attacks or dodge. You kept at it until you did some funny and amusement move like some would be dancing, pretending to drink, and taunting him. He got really mad and just went at it but in the end he couldn't land a hit on you.

Mercury(tried): Why can't (panting) I hit (panting) you!

Y/N(still drunk): WELL I guess(hic) that you weren't(hic) smart enough to(hic) understand my(hic) style....(hic)

He was to tired so you gave him the good old rage art to finish it.

After you did that he was knocked out and you went back to normal.

Y/N: And that ladies and gents is drunk boxing.... so is that the end of class miss Goodwitch?

You looked at her until she gave off a vibe that says this is not over yet.

Goodwitch: Well, Mr.Y/N someone has volunteer to fight you.

Y/N(sweating): And who would that be?

Yang: That would be me.

Y/N: Oh shit- um can I step out I don't feel so good.(Pretended to be sick)

Goodwitch: Mr.Y/N you're not getting out of this. If miss Xiao long wants to fight I say we should let her fight.

Y/N(mind): FUCK.

Ruby pulls Yang to her side.

Ruby: Yang, I know that you and the rest of the team are mad at him but could you really blame him? he was only trying to protecting us!

Yang: I can take care of myself. You're lucky that he's your boyfriend because I would have killed him back then and now.

Ruby: Yang! Please just don't hurt him!

Yang: I can only promise that I won't break anything.

Yang steps into the ring and put up her fist and you... you pulled up your hoodie and looked at her and you can hear every ones cheers.

Ruby: Be careful! Y/N!

Weiss: Kill him Yang! 

Jaune: You can do this Y/N!

Ren: I hope you both fight well!


Y/N: Yang... I only did this to protect everyone.... I'm not going to fight you.

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