"Elsa! My little girl is finally visiting us," papa said and hugged me. Jack was still holding my hand. I'm sure it looked awkward but we soon pulled away.

"Papa, I am not a little girl anymore and I always visit you guys," I said.

"Not as often as you used to my child," mama said and hugged me quickly.

"Elsa, would you mind introducing us?" Papa asked with a stern look on his face. He was looking right at Jack and I could feel his hand start sweating.

"Of course. Papa, Mama, this is Jackson Overland Frost but he goes by Jack. He is my boyfriend," I said smiling looking up at Jack. He wasn't looking at me. He had a nervous look on his face. Even more nervous than before if that was even possible. I looked at who he was looking at and it was papa. Papa was sending him a glare. (See picture above).

"Papa!" I exclaimed holding onto Jack's shoulder.

"What?" He asked and his glare was gone when he looked at me.

"Please, don't be so hard on him. Get to know him first before you start your judgements please," I said. Papa looked at me then sighed.

"Fine," papa said then looked back at Jack. "But if you hurt my daughter in anyway expect to not be able to walk anymore," papa glared.

"I wouldn't dream of hurting your daughter sir. She is my world and if I ever did hurt her, I would be beating myself up," Jack said all the sudden with confidence. My father eyed Jack for a little bit then nodded.

"Well, What are we standing around for, our dinner will get cold," mama said. I giggled quietly. She always makes sure we have food in our bellies.

~End Of Flashback~

Anyway, Anna and I just got home from rehearsal. It was tiring and they expect a lot more for the singing parts and I've always liked a challenge.

"What's for dinner Elsie?" Anna asked.

"I don't know Anna. What do you want for dinner?" I asked.

"Let's go out for dinner! We've been in New York for like a month and we still haven't roamed the streets unless it was to travel to rehearsals," Anna pouted.
I chuckled.

"Okay fine. We'll go roam the streets and eat food somewhere but we have to be home soon. I'm pretty tired," I admitted.

"Fine fine. Just as long as we get to explore," she excitedly said.

So we walked in the streets of New York. We went to Times Square and saw all the many different shops. My favorite is either the Disney store because who doesn't love Disney. Or the Hershey's Chocolate World because chocolate is so good.

We ended up eating at Applebee's. It's the largest Applebee's in the world and I could see why. It's three stories high which just blows my mind.

We got back to our apartment around 7:30pm. I was exhausted.  When I unlocked the door I smelt something being made? Like a cake? But it concerned me because Anna and I are the only two who live in this apartment room.

"Anna, Do you smell that?" I asked.

"Smell what?" She asked.

"It smells someone is making cake in our apartment," I said. She just shrugged.

"How can you just shrug at a time like this?" I asked.

"Because yum cake," she said. I rolled my eyes and opened the door to our apartment.

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