"I don't get it," he mutters. "The display says 1 and it goes all the way up to 10, so it should be the lowest, right?"

"Maybe it just took me by surprise? I completely forgot I even had this thing on."

"Wanna try again just to make sure?" he suggests with an evil smile.

"Do you enjoy seeing me in pain, Hyung?"

"I was just joking, jeez... but it was pretty funny how you fell off the bed," he admits with a chuckle. "Either way it did what it was supposed to do, so at least we know it works."

This guy... he really is something else, but he's right. I did what I wasn't allowed to do, so he used it because he felt threatened. 

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," I say. 

"Yeah, but now you know what happens when you get touchy-feely without my permission."

So it's alright if I have his permission? No, I'm getting ahead of myself. I shouldn't even be considering that in the first place. 

"Now let's watch this damn movie," he says and presses play as he gets comfortable again. 

After being electrocuted I feel oddly at ease with this situation. Now his shirt is properly pulled up and the fear of him using the collar on me again keeps my hormones somewhat in check. I try lying down next to him and, even though his scent distracts me so I can't focus to 100%, I find myself able to enjoy the movie. 


The happy, wholesome ending makes it very hard for me to keep my tears back, but knowing that Seokjin will make fun of me I manage to push though. When the credits start to roll Seokjin closes his laptop and sits up properly. I do the same and he claps his hands at me with a proud smile. I raise an eyebrow at him because I have no idea what he's doing that for and he quickly goes back to looking at me like I'm a moron. 

"You completed stage two."


"So we're done here for today," he says and stands up to do some stretches after staying still for too long. 

"What's stage three gonna be?" I ask.

He thinks for a while as he tries to come up with something.

"I guess I'll just be running around the house with my scent for a while?" he says. "Since we're living together you might as well get used to it."

"You mean you'll stop using the scent blockers?"

"That's what I'm implying, yes."


He gives me a weird look and I realize I fucked up.

"I-I mean, sweet for you of course! You don't need to use that soap anymore," I say in an attempt to cover up. "I've heard that using it too much can give you rashes."

"Right... Anyway it might be annoying for you to have my scent around all the time so just open up your window or something if it becomes too much."

One part of me thinks that it can never get too much, and the other part of me has already had enough just from being close to him today. If I could do whatever I wanted with him then his scent is a blessing, but since I have to act like a civilized person it's probably more of a curse. 

"What's step four?" I ask just out of curiosity.

"Do you honestly think I've planned that far ahead?"

"It took you a week to do this so I figured you'd already have some kind of master plan."

"No, it took a week because I had no fucking idea what to do."

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