secrets unraveled...

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I wake up on a cold, damp ground. I see someone blurry standing in front of me. It takes me a minute to regain my vision. I try to get up but fail. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" someone laughs. Keith. "You drugged her good, didn't you?" Keith laughs. No response. I assume they nod. "Do you want to know why Jeff wants to kill me" Keith asks me. I nod. I couldn't speak. I couldn't see. I am powerless. I'm just laying on the ground. "Because he's a psychotic, murderous thing, I don't think I could call him human" Keith laughs, knowing I can't do anything. "He didn't do nothing when my group put his brother in jail. He's good for nothing" Keith keeps on laughing. I want to punch him, badly. I didn't want to believe it. I start crying. "Why don't you ask him" Keith throws a male figure in front of me. I could tell through the darkness it was jeff. I start crying even harder. I didn't want to fail him. But I did, I failed my family. God, my family. What are we going to do now? "H-he's right, you know?" Jeff says. He sounded like he was in so much pain. They must have beaten him up. "Me and my brother, oh god, my brother" he starts to break into tears. "We were the new kids in the neighborhood, on our first day school-" he starts to cough up blood. "Keep going, Jeff" Keith kicks Jeff in the back. Hard, causing jeff to cough more blood. Jeff grunts in pain. I was scared, not for me, for Jeff.  For his life. "We were waiting for the bus when these kids come up to us, they were mugging us, trust me when I say I beat the living hell out of them" he laughs through the pain. I just start crying more at his failed attemt to make me feel better. "The cops showed up at our house that night, my brother took the blame for something I did" he begins to full on cry. "Did you not hear me! Keep going!" Keith screams kicking jeff, he kicks Jeff multiple times. Harder each time. "Stop it!" I scream at keith. "Hon, I can't, just like he can't, tell her who you killed the night you got out of the hospital" keith stops kicking him so he can speak. Jeff starts to cry even harder. "I killed my parents" jeff says before coughing up more blood. I was frozen in fear. "Only a monster would be able to do that" keith says. "A-and who made me that monster? Keith, you did, remember the party? You poured bleach and alcohol on me, too, you set me on fire" Jeff coughs up more blood. I'm really worried about him. "Oh, you killed one more person that night" Keith whispered to Jeff, making it loud enough so I could hear what he said. "Liu, my brother, I killed him for no reason, then I killed Jane's parents, that's why she hates me, I only got her to work with me because you're her-" jeff cuts himself off. "Tell her Jeff, who is she really?" Keith says. "You're her sister" jeff whispers to me. I stare at him with wide eyes. I finally work up my strength to speak. "I'm so sorry jeff, I didn't mean for this to happen, I'm so sorry" I burst into tears again. He doesn't say anything. We just lay there, silently. "You remember that group of yours, keith? You are the only survivor, I killed them, the screaming they both did, it was pleasing to kill the people who did this to me, exept you, I was a normal kid before I met you, who's the monster now?" Jeff says, breaking the silence. "I think you've seen enough of your girlfriend for one day, take him back to...the room he was in before" someone tries to grab him but I stop them. "Fine, take her instead" Keith shrugs. Someone picks me up and carries me to a room. I can see in this room. I hear footsteps. It's Keith again. They drop me down on something metal. "We're going to have so much fun" Keith laughs. Someone appears in front of Keith. "No, no you're not" it's Jane. Keith tries to run but Jane shoots him. Jane notices the other guy and shoots him, too. "Come on, let's go" Jane says to me. "What about jeff?" I ask. "Fine, let's go get him" Jane replies. We reach the room I was in before. "Jeff, come on, get up" I say. I can barely walk but I have too. Jeff tries to get up but fails. I pick him up and carry him to Jane's car. I set him down gently in the back seat. I get in the front and jane drives away. When we got back to Jeff's house Jane called a doctor for Jeff. He was the only one of us hurt. The doctor has to stitch Jeff all over. The doctor also said he has a broken leg. Later that night I went to see Jeff. I walk into his bedroom. He's awake. "Hey, how are you feeling?" I ask. I sit down on the chair closest to his bed where he was laying. "Can't feel much of anything right now" he laughs. Then coughs. "I want to ask you a question" he says after he's done coughing. I nod. "Even after I said what I did, you still saved me, why?" He asks. "I don't know, I guess it's because I trust you, you seemed to regret what you have done" I reply. "Trust me, I didn't regret killing the other two" I knew exactly who he was talking about. "I promise, we will kill Keith, we will get your revenge" I say.

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