First Day.

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"WHAT?!?!?!" Mazikeens voice yelled through the roof when she found out that Lucy is going to start university and got in by luring the principle. Whoops. 
"Maze! I need this!!" Lucy's voice sounded pleadingly. "why aren't you happy for me?" 
"Because girls and guys are going to be staring and gawking at you! And I don't like it when other people stare at you!! and also! YOU'RE SLEEPING WITH THE PRINCIPAL!!" Mazikeen now screamed angrily enough. 
"MAZE!!!!" Lucy roared now her eyes shown red "I'm going to this school whether you like it or not!!!! Now either you support me and be my girlfriend! or Don't and me and you will be over!!!" Lucy threatened her voice slowly started to turn into her demon one. 
"Woaw!! No!! Ok!" Lucifer gasped and ran up to his daughter placed a hand on her shoulder "Happy place love! Happy place!!" he said actually scared from his daughter when she was slowly turning into her demon form. Maze just stayed shocked at Lucy's words with her mouth gaped open "So... You're leaving me if I don't support you with this stupid ass bullshit?" 
"No!" Lucifer answered for his daughter but his daughter didn't give him any mind "Yes" she answered coldly looking directly at Maze. 
"Yes?!" Lucifer exclaimed looking back at his daughter "nonononononononono. You're just pulling her leg, are you?" he asked with a look in his eyes before he repeated "Aren't you?" 
Lucy kept a hardened stare at Maze and repeated again "No. I'm not." she said coldly and deadly. 
Maze clenched her jaw at the princess "Fine then... After all I've done for you to bring you back with your father... This is how you repay me?" 
"I thank you for that Maze, but what I need now is support from my girlfriend... That's all" Lucy still spoken distinctively with a glare in her eye. Maze shifted her position with a purse of a lip and a nod "I'm not your girlfriend anymore, Aren't I?" Maze asked with a bitch face before leaving with a strut. 
Lucy's face fell as she felt her heart break seeing Maze leave... "I really thought it was going to go to the other direction" Lucy whispered to herself but Lucifer heard her and looked over at his baby girl "Why would you say something like that?" he asked her gently placing his hands on her shoulder. 

Lucy whimpered and shivered "I thought she would support me if I told her that... So I guess, my body was more important to her rather than my happiness." Lucy whispered almost breaking. Lucifer shook his head "No love... This is why I didn't agree at first... I know Maze... I'm sorry for this happening to you" he gently told her. 
Lucy sniffled some tears causing Lucifer to jump and holding her in a tight embrace. Lucy just stood there in his arms... only one tear slipped... her heart fell numb... She had it... She just held onto her father and just relaxed in his embrace. "It.. It's ok daddy. I'm fine." she said softly through his chest.
Lucifer frowned and looked down "you are?" he asked questioningly. She looked up at him and gave him a soft smile "I will be" she nodded at him.

Lucifer frowned lightly before he pressed his lips against her forehead still with a lost look in his eyes.... he still wanted to help his daughter although he didn't know if she really is ok or not. "well then. The university sent me the list of the books and stuff you require. Let's go out for a little shopping spree." Lucifer smirked softly at his daughter. 


After their little shopping, Lucy and Lucifer arrived at his penthouse and just plopped down on the couch with the shopping bags in their hands. 
"well that was tiring" Lucy mumbled 
"The worst" Lucifer agreed. Lucy chuckled and looked over at her father. "Daddy?" Lucy chimed softly. Lucifer hummed in reply before looking at her with a soft look. 
"Do you think it's my fault that me and Maze broke up?" she asked still insecure. Lucifer sighed before he tilted to his side looking at her 
"Darling... Nothing, is your fault... Remember that" Lucifer softly cooed at her. "Then why do I feel so guilty?" 
"Because you always take blame on yourself even when it isn't" Lucifer replied immediately "and it has to stop, Love, because if you keep on blaming yourself... You'll be forever alone." 
"No I won't" Lucy said softly looking at him. Lucifer cocked an eye brow "Oh? why's that?" 
Lucy sniffled a chuckle "Because I'll still have you in my life, dummy" she replied through a playful grin and smirk. "Oh! Right!" he chuckled and rubbed her arm "Yeah. that's true." he added on. "Now come on. It's getting late, love. Let's get your rest. You have your first day tomorrow" Lucifer said softly before kissing her head again "Let's go" 
Lucy whimpered in rebellion " but.. butbutbut th... the nightmares"
"Love, you need your rest" Lucifer persisted gently. Lucy huffed with a puff "fine" she said looking down before she got off of him and went to her side of the bed and tried to sleep. 
Lucifer went to his side of the bed, kissed her head once more and went to sleep himself. 


The next Morning, Lucy woke up with sweat.... Her nightmares were getting worse but... she's controlling her night terrors... She just wakes up with a gasp and shivering, no screaming.. no sobs... no nothing.. she just... stays in a sitting position and just envelopes herself in a ball closing her knees up to her chest and just sitting up before she falls to sleep again. 
Lucy woke up early and started to get ready for her first day of university... Excitement and anxiety were curling up inside her stomach but she knew that it's not worth anything. She got dressed up in a black top, Ripped black jeans, leather laced boots and leather Jacket. 

Lucifer got up after her and saw her in her aesthetic and smiled "that suits you love." he said with a soft tone in his sleep. 
Lucy looked at him "Oh. You're awake. Good morning" she said walking up to him and kissing his head. "want breakfast?" She asked before going to the kitchen. "Oh. Yes please" Lucifer said rubbing his sleep away. He stripped the bed sheet off of him and slipped out of the bed with his nest of a hair while walking up to reach for the plastic jug of orange juice.
Lucy looked up and sniffled out a chuckle "You look adorable when you wake up daddy" 
"Do hush up, Lucy" he muttered before placing the jug up to his mouth and gulped the juice. "Leave me some, will you?" she asked him softly 
"Love... this jug is full.. I don't drink all of it by myself. You will have for yourself" Lucifer said sounding really like someone that is not a morning person. Lucy chuckled and started cooking pancakes for both of them. 
"So, are you excited for your first day, love?" Lucifer asked
"Definitely!" she responded with a grin. "Here you go!" she placed two pancakes on a plate for him and laid it in front of him. "Thanks love" he chirped before he took the plate and started digging. 
Lucy placed pancakes on hers and started eating. "These are delicious darling" Lucifer said between a bite.
"Thank you daddy" 

After a few minutes of them eating, Lucy washed the plates and looked at the time. "Right on schedule." she grinned before she turned to her father "Shall we go?" she asked him. 
"Absolutely love" he said before they left the building and walked to Lucifers corvette. Lucy put on her seatbelt and just stayed quiet the whole ride with Lucifer glancing a soft smile at her while driving. 
At around a half an hour, they finally arrived. "Have a good day, love" Lucifer softly told her. 
"Thanks daddy" She kissed his cheek and got out of the car before she took glance at the university.... she puffed and walked in being gawked and looked at by men and female. One female came up to her "Was that Lucifer Morningstar?" she asked with a slutty smile. 
"Yeah. He's my father. and No, don't think about it." she said as she kept on walking. Lucy went up to the library and just started reading knowing that she doesn't have a lecture yet so, she just quietly read the book in the library. When all of a sudden a brunette girl came up to her sweetly. "Hi... Is this chair taken?" she asked. Lucy shook her head without looking up. 
"Thanks. I'm Alexis" she said taking a seat and taking out a book. 
"Lucy. Morningstar" Lucy said still not taking glance off her book. "Morningstar? As in? Lucifer Morningstar?" 
"Yes. He's my father! and no, he's not for sale! He's not taken! He's my father! don't make this awkward!" she said slightly savage still reading in the meanwhile.
"Oh. No. No. None like that. I'm.. I just like the bar. I'm sorry"
"It's fine." Lucy said. 
"well then.. Nice to meet you" 
"You too" Lucy still didn't look up from her book whereas Alexis opened her own book and continued the book she was reading. 

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