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"Barry, I'm fine," Alex coaxed. Wells never gave her a real answer as to what he did to his mother. She called Barry right after she left, there was no way she get back without any help. He quickly came to get her while Caitlin was back at the cortex ready to fix her knee.

Alexandra couldn't stop thinking about what The Reverse Flash said. Siding with a man like him? Alex would have to go way over to the dark side if she ever partnered with him. What was ever to say that she could suddenly switch sides? Was it someone from her past who influenced her to go dark?

There were many factors that could cause her turn, but she didn't think any of them would be major enough to affect her. Of all people, why would she side with this Eobard Thawne guy? The person who murdered Barry's mother and caused her own to leave the house. Did he threaten to kill her, or someone else in her family?

She needed answers.

Alex would have to live with the thought that he was right and that one day her and Barry would become enemies. It broke her heart to think like that. She didn't know how long she was going to continue on the path of heroes, but she hoped that it would be for a while yet. Alex craved the adrenaline she got while out fighting a meta. It was much better than the silly game she used to have with her powers.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Barry exclaimed. He paced back and forth in front of her with a nervous look. "Why would you go after him on your own? You could have gotten hurt a lot worse; he could have killed you! We're going to catch him Alex, but we need to do it together."

Together. As far as Barry knew, Alex was much calmer about their whole situation. She wanted to tell him that they may not be together much longer. That Wells confirmed what was supposed to happen to them. It only made her more anxious about what was going to happen between them.

"I know," Alex drooped her head. It was hard looking him in the eyes after everything she learned. She didn't want to worry him again with what was going through her head. "I'm sorry. You're right I shouldn't have went on my own."

"Hey," Barry titled her head up. Alex still avoided looking him directly in the eyes. He knew something was up after that. It was best not to force whatever she was hiding out of her, he knew that she would tell him when she was ready. "It's okay. There's nothing to be sorry about. I'm just worried about you."

Alex nodded her head. Barry ran the tips on his fingers along the bruise under her eye, she didn't wince. She grabbed his hands and placed them flat on her cheeks, enjoying the warmth he brought. Barry lowered himself so he was able to kiss her. Alexandra deepened the kiss and trailed her cool hands down his back.

There was a cough at the door and they pulled away with a jump. Cisco leaned in the doorway with his arms crossed. "You done?"

"No, you interrupted," Alex bluntly replied.

"If you two weren't so ridiculously cute, I'd be repulsed by the surprising amount of affection you have," Cisco rolled his eyes. "Expected you to be the non-touchy kinda person."

"I like sex Cisco, do you have a problem with that?" Alex bluntly asked. Both the men gained a slight blush. "What do you need?"

"Actually," Barry looked down at her. He had meant to tell her what was going on, but he got distracted at how outraged he was at her for going after Thawne on her own. He was still mad at her for it, but was more concerned for her safety. "We have a problem."

"A big problem," Cisco agreed. Alex was handed crutches so she could join the others in the cortex. Caitlin said that it was going to take a few hours for her leg to heal and for that time she would have to stay off of it. "Wells started up the particle accelerator and we have no idea why. Also, the metas we have locked up down there need to be moved."

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