Chapter one

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Lucy's point of view ~ I was currently in the apartment that I shared with Juvia and Lisanna. The three of us were currently tending to our wounds that we got from the guild. We would've had Wendy heal them but the guild always stop her and the exceeds from helping us. This all started a couple of months ago when me Juvia and lisanna confessed to our former crushes Natsu, Gray and bixslow.

They humiliated us in front of the whole entire guild. Natsu said that I was weak useless and ugly and that he shouldn't have brought me to fairy tail and that I only cause fairy tail problems.

Gray told Juvia that she was useless ugly clingy a stalker and that he should've let her fall instead of saving her.

Bixslow told lisanna that she was the weakest Strauss sibling and that she should've stayed in edolus and he wouldn't like a wake ugly girl like her. Then they all told us that we were just a waste of space and we shouldn't be in fairy tail.

There three of us were not by any means weak. I have all the 13 zodiac keys. I also learned star dress. Juvia mastered her water powers and learned to control blood. While lisanna mastered her animal soul powers and learned some new ones too. After we did that the master even promoted us to s-class but the guild doesn't know about that except for master, guildarts (they don't hurt them either) Wendy and the exceeds.

After the boys said that the guild laughed at us even lisannas siblings. Wendy the exceeds and that master didn't because they weren't there. From that day the guild had been abusing us verbally mentally and physically.

"hey lulu do you think we should leave the guild"Juvia asked. She started talking in first person with everyone except her true friends.

"yeah we should"I said "where should we go"lisanna asked "don't really know"I said. Then three bright lights appeared which indicated my spirits were about to show up. "hello princess/brats/girls"Loke, Virgo and Aquarius said

"hi guys what are you doing here"I said "well princess we heard about your dilemma and we wanted to help"Loke said "Really"we said

"yes princess the celestial king wants to know if you guys would like to train in the celestial world"Virgo said "Juvia thinks that would be amazing Virgo-San"Juvia said "but doesn't the time in the celestial world run different from ours"I asked

"It does brat but the celestial king is willing to change it for you guys so you would be there for 60 years but in earth land it will only be six years you all will also not age either"Aquarius said

Then me and the girls looked at each other and came to a silent agreement "we accept"I said looking at my three spirits "great when do you girls want to leave"loke asked "tonight but first we will be writing letters to our true friends and the guild and we will only tell the master and Wendy and the exceeds and guildarts"Lisanna said

"okay"the spirits said "hey Virgo can you please pack our things for us and give this money the the land lady for us"I asked

"no problem princess I will get started right away"Virgo said "Aquarius and loke can you two please come with us to the guild"I said

"sure princess/brat I've been waiting for a while to give those guys a bashing/flooding for a while"they both said "thank you now let's go"I said

"but princess don't you guys have to write your letters first"Virgo asked "oh we already wrote them a while ago debating whether or not we should leave the guild but we finally decided we are today"lisanna explained "okay"my spirits said

Time skip when they got to the guild

No point of view "oh look it's the weaklings"natsu said with a sneer "tsk whatever salamander we are just here to speak to master"Lucy said "well you'll have to get through us first"gray said in a cocky tone "fine asshole"Juvia said with a glare "well handle this girls you go do what you have to do"loke said. The girls nodded and headed upstairs

"where do you three think your going"laxus asked (he didn't get kicked out of the guild he was given a second chance) "to see the master now move out of our way"Lisanna said

"no weakling"Bixslow said with his babies repeating weakling. The thunder legion, gajeel and team shadow gear were about to attack them when Aries and Capricorn came out "sorry ms.lucy we sensed you guys were about to get attacked so we came out of our gates sorry"Aries said

"it's okay thank you very much"Lucy said "you girls head up we will take care of them down here"Capricorn said. The girls headed up and entered the masters office where Guildarts, the exceeds, Wendy and master were.

"Lu-nee juvi-nee lis-nee"Wendy said hugging the girls "what are you girls doing here"master asked "we wanted you to take off our guild marks please"Lucy said with tears "what why"they yelled in shock.

"because we want to leave fairy tail"Juvia said "I understand my dears"master said "thank you for understanding"Lisanna said "we will miss you girls"Guildarts said "same we will miss you as well and thank you for being like a father to us even though you are never here"Lucy said

"thank you Wendy for being like a little sister to us and exceeds always protect Wendy and make sure to get stronger every day"juvia said

"oh and here I got you guys these on our last mission it's a book on transformation and some basic magic the exceeds can use and for Wendy a book on sky dragon slaying magic I got from Porlyusica and a book on basic sky magic and advanced healing magic"Lucy said

"thank you"they said "and master thank you for always being here for us and being like a grandfather to us"lisanna said "oh and we thought of a few ways you can change the guild so you are not in that much debt anymore"Juvia said

"we also pulled together some money and payed the magic council so the guild doesn't have anymore debt and here is 3,000,000,000j if you need to pay the council because of the guild"Lucy said

"thank you so much Girls I will truly miss you"master said and got rid of there guild marks "oh and here are some letters only give them to the guild when they realized that we have left"the girls said "no problem"they said. And with that the three girls set out on their journey to get stronger.

End of chapter
To be continued
I don't own fairy tail

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