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Although Fuuto hadn't told me the specifics, I could easily find his schedule online. The better I got to know him, the more difficulty I had believing that Fuuto would appear on a talk show tonight or have a concert in Sendai tomorrow.

Listlessly, I scrolled through my social media feeds which hadn't calmed down yet since Fuuto started following me. I was listening to Fuuto's songs on my mp3-player, the wires a tangles mess leading to the pink device that laid on my desk.

Ema tossed her bag on her desk before picking up my mp3-player.

"Both you and Maho-chan are positively obsessed with Fuuto," she joked, which stood in contrast to her serious expression.

"That, we are," I acknowledged, taking her comment seriously.

"I still think you and Fuuto would make a cute couple," she pondered. "He treats you differently."

Mahoko entered the classroom, her lethargic posture visible in the way she didn't call out to anyone. Instead, she sat down on my desk quietly, giving my mp3-player a brooding glare, correctly guessing the song that was on.

"Hey, [L/N]," she addressed me.

"What's up?" I asked her, taking out my earbuds. Ema took them from me to listen to the song in my place.

"I wanted to apologise for what I said yesterday," she said. "I didn't mean to say all those things. I'm sorry for my angry rant."

I accepted the apology with a smile. "I'm glad that everything's okay between us, then."

"Don't get me wrong," she said gruffly, "we're not friends. I'm just here to tell you that I'm giving up on Fuuto."

"Okay," I agreed, wondering what she wanted from me in return. There had to be a catch somewhere when Mahoko gave me such a thoughtful look.

"We can benefit both from striking a deal," she assured me. "Get the picture: first, I'll help you with Fuuto. Suppose we can convince him that he should settle for you, then you help me."

"Do you always insult the people you're negotiating with?" I inquired, mildly amused by Mahoko. I could somewhat see why Ema valued her so much as a friend. "But, go on, what are your conditions?"

"Introduce me to another idol, [Y/N]. Someone popular, handsome, and rich. I would prefer him to be kind too," Mahoko explained the purpose of her plan.

"Just let her meet Grumpy," Ema interjected as she handed me the mp3-player back. While Mahoko and I had bargained, she had managed to straighten out the wires.

"Thank you," I said as I put the mp3-player into my bag. Mahoko watched me impatiently, tapping on my desk with her fingers.

"Who's Grumpy?" she wanted to know.

"You'll love him," Ema promised. "He's just like Fuuto."

"So, we have a deal?" Mahoko asked me.

"Of course," Ema answered in my stead, shaking Mahoko's hand solemnly.

"Apparently," I muttered, wondering what frightening plan Ema had concocted.

I tried to get some much-needed details from Ema, but she kept her lips sealed tightly.

"You'll see," she said when we said goodbye by the train station after our classes were over.

Feeling more than a little paranoia, I went home, texting Ema a few times to make sure that she would take my general wellbeing into account.

[Y/N]: You know that they say that the ends don't justify the means, don't you?

[Ema]: Trust me.

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