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       Emma and I never went to college. I started my business at 18 and she never really needed to. So our first move, before we got married, was buying a house. A nice homey home without her in it. The next move we made, before we got married, was children. I wanted this so bad. Now that we started our new life, something felt missing and I'm pretty sure that a baby was it.

    "Theres so many reasons why I wanted to wait first," she watches me closely as I light a cigarette. Then she adorably tucks her foot under her thigh, leaving her other leg to dangle so that it helps swing the swing seat just a little.
    I love L.A. its so perfectly warm and the atmosphere is beautiful. It's a completely different scene than being in the city full of noise and what not.

     "I know, but its the perfect time since Super Girl is on its last season. And then you'll tour soon and-"

"And then for two straight months I'll have to keep answering questions about the mystery guy who put a ring on my finger and then knocked me up." I chuckle at her and place a gentle kiss to her nose to calm her.

      "We're rich and 21, we aren't getting any younger." She hums in agreement on that note and rests her head on my shoulder like she always does.

     Nobody in the world knows that we're together. There's suspicion but that suspicion is only enough to be considered a conspiracy. Emma kept me from her mother and now she's keeping me from the world only because it's better that way. Too much attention would be steered towards me and our life and we don't need that right now; not when we're in the middle of planning our wedding.

"I have an idea!" She bubbles as she sits up. "Why don't we get pregnant at the same time?"

      "Seriously?!" I gasp. That's the best idea she has ever had. Seriously, we argued over and over again about who would carry first. She really wants to and so do I, but us doing it at once never crossed my mind.

"Yeah! And it'll be like they're twins! And I don't care how expensive it is, they will be biologically ours."

      "That-I love you so much!" I squeal. Hastily I pull her in for a kiss, dropping my cigarette along the way. She pulls me on top of her lap, her hand latches on to my hips without a care in the world.

   Everything gets heated from there. My shirt is being thrown on the porch and so is hers. A light breeze is what makes us stop and what leaves me pouting. She loves when I pout and quickly drags me inside our home to finish up what we started.

      Weeks go by and we go through treatments. Doctor visits after doctor visits leaves us antsy and stressed. Anticipation is wedged in our hearts and that needle remains until the last and final visit gives us the satisfaction we need to find out we're both pregnant.

    Months go by; exactly two. We're excited and still on cloud nine but extremely hormonal. Emma cries, I cry. Mostly over something stupid like when she drops a mug or I drop my food on the floor. Weeks go by and we're growing together, Emma seems bigger than me and that causes concern.

    And then more weeks go by and weeks and weeks. We're already planning the baby shower and arguing whether or not her racist, homophobic mother should be invited. Work is stressing me out, this baby is stressing me out. Something just doesn't feel right....until finally it's time to learn the genders of our babies in exactly a few days.

      We're having a girl! We're so happy about our little girl but I'm in too much pain and too depressed to celebrate anymore. My life seems to have been ripped from right under my feet, the baby shower is called off. Emma holds me close as I'm stuck curled in fetal position. I cry and I cry and I cry because we lost him....

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