Part 4: the one at mcdonalds

Start from the beginning

"If I were if I were if I were in your place. If the light that was shinnin' upon you fell on my face. Oh I would have purpose I would have peace if I had your fire and grace. If I were if I were if I were in your place." He sang gently whilst still looking at me in the eyes.

"Where did that come from?" I ask him.

"I came up with it a few days ago when I was thinking about you," he says simply.

"You were thinking about me?" I say sounding quite shocked.

"Love, I'm always thinking about you. I have been for the past 12 years." He says smiling at me making me blush.

"Fuck, I'm hungry let's go get some food," He says grabbing my hand again trying to pull me towards the door. I look down at what I was wearing and paused.

"Ruel let me get changed first," I say. He looks me up and down as if he were scanning me.

"Nah you look fine, let's go," he says pulling my hand once again but didn't succeed.

"Ruel, I am not going out like this," I whine.

"Bub, you look beautiful in anything. You could wear a trash bag and still look gorgeous. Now shut up and come get food with me." He says. Despite his very nice comments and uplifting compliments, I still wanted to get changed so I did what I knew would work. I folded my arms and stood there pouting like a child. Well at least I thought it would work. Would you have guessed I thought wrong? Ruel grabbed my waist and threw me over his shoulder and carried me out of my room and down the hall.

"Ruel put me down!" I say loudly but he just laughed. Suddenly he paused at the end of the hall.

"Excuse me young man what in the world do you think you are doing? Put her down! Right now!" I hear my mother say. Ruel slowly puts me down back onto the ground.

"I- um I'm so s-sorry Miss Jones I didn't mean to-" ruel was cut off by my mum's laughing. We both look at each other confused until I got it. Ruel on the other hand, didn't.

"I'm sorry you should've seen the look on your faces," my mum says still laughing.

"W-what?" Ruel says still very confused.

"Bro, she was kidding. Lighten up," I say pushing his shoulder.

"Oh," was all he managed to say. He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"Anyway, where are you kids heading off to?" my mum asks when she had finally stopped laughing.

"We were just gonna go get something to eat, if that's okay?" I ask her.

"Oh of course honey don't let me stop you," she says walking into the kitchen.

"Be safe and have fun!" she calls out.

"Will do ma!" I call back.


"You do realise your hair is still in a braid right?" I say to ruel as we walk into mcdonalds.

"Fuck, let me take it out in the bathroom," he says running off, leaving me standing there by myself.

"Well, if it isn't little miss perfect. Guess you're not so perfect are you?" I hear someone say behind me. Not now. Please, please not now.

"What do you want Nikki?" I say not bothering to turn around. I couldn't look at her right now.

"Oh I just wanna have a chat with my boyfriends best friend. Is that too much to ask?" she says standing in front of me.

"Yes it is, get out of my way." I say glaring at her.

"Nikki?" I here Ruel say.

"Baby! Hi!" she says in a high pitch voice, turning around smiling at him. God even the sight of her made me want to gag. I just rolled my eyes and looked back at the menu, pretending I wasn't just gonna get fries and a drink.

"What are you doing here?" Ruel says wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

"Oh I just came to get some food when I ran into Lana over here," she says pulling away from Ruel to look at me. I plaster a fake smile on my face so I didn't make Ruel feel bad.

"Why don't you come eat with us?" Ruel offers.

"No!" I say rather loudly earning a glare from a mum with a sleeping baby, me giving her a small smile letting her know I was sorry.

"Lana what the fuck? Why can't Nikki sit with us?" he says sounding pissed off.

"No baby its okay don't worry, I have to head home anyway." She says kissing him on the cheek. God how I wanna kick her right where the sun don't shin-

"Lana?" I here Ruel say snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hm what?" I say looking at him.

"I said what do you want? To eat?"

"Oh just a large fries and large frozen coke," I say. He nods and walks up to the counter with his arm around Nikki's shoulders. God she pissed me off. I went and sat down in the booth in the back corner of the room and looked over to see Ruel and Nikki looking at each other. Nikki stood up on her tippy toes and right as she leaned in the turned to look at me slightly then placed her lips on Ruels. The sight alone made me want to vomit and rip my hair out. Ruel had no idea what kind of person she was and it drove me insane. After they kissed Nikki waved a good bye and left with her cheeseburger. Ruel grabbed our food and came to sit down in front of me.

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