Good & EVIL

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Meanwhile, Back on Earth

"Wait, wait, wait! What is this? Surly this can't be God, he has never sent this upon us so it must be the EVIL one," said all the people on Earth.

The children of God and Jesus were cold but didn't understand why they were cold. God wanted an explanation of why they thought they were freezing. So he appeared in the middle of the shivering people on Earth, which is him in the sky because Earth is huge.

"Do you see what you brought upon yourselves," said God.

"No Good Lord, the EVIL one had done this not us, surely it couldn't be we're little angels," said the people of Earth.

"What I speak is true you yourself brought this unknown thing to you. This is because you mistreated Samuel and I. So we decided to make a weather you've never seen nor experienced before. We call it snow, said God as he bellowed at the people to listen.

Then God left without another word. The people were left in shock, wondering why God had left them to freeze in what he called snow. Why was he so angered? Why did he say it was their fault? Samuel and God met up in the clouds to only see, the people turning the snow into a pleasant thing and laughing at them. In came Jesus to his father.

"Father, why do these people laugh at us, don't they know what could happen," said Jesus.

"I'm afraid not son," said God to Jesus.

After they heard the people laugh with mockery this time Jesus was angered. So again snow was sent to Earth but this time it was much harsher. They called this act of harsh snow a snow blizzard. Since the first attempt to make the people behave didn't quite work at all like it was wanted and needed to. The people on Earth laughed even more. But they didn't know that some major crises were to occur on Earth for all their laughing and mocking.

' Meanwhile Back on Earth

The blizzard was worse than any storm. This one storm was how the world started to turn plain white. Based on how cold the Earth really was many people started to die but enough lived through this tragedy so they continued to laugh at God and Samuel.

"How do they think this is funny," said Jesus.

"I don't know son. They do know and realize that many are dying but they don't care. Samuel and I took it easy on them with gentle snow. Now we made the snow a little harmful. We will not even be able to describe what is to come of their laughing and mocking," said God peeved as ever with the people of Earth.

The third attempt for respect was a lot more harmful, than the blizzard that Samuel and God created before. God and Samuel used all the rain and cold they had in them and made a Ice Age. Even more people died and only a few survivors were still in existence. Though they were the only survivors they decided to still mock God and Samuel. God and Samuel could make it no colder because the Ice Age was as cold as they were willing to go. They made the snow turn back into rain. The people's population started to increase and as it increased they still mocked God and Samuel.

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