For the first time a flicker of fear passed across her gaze. If I wasn't so close, I wouldn't have been able to see it. But it passed as quickly as it came and soon her face steeled over. Her hair blew in the gradual wind as she regarded me. I could see every individual wrinkle of skin across her sweat stained face. Tiny individual drops of Isaacs blood were drying in the crevices, painting her face with his death.

"Although I do admit your wording of my death is particularly eerie, it comes without saying you won't leave this clearing alive to carry out your warnings." She rose the Parazonium to strike, knowing I was too close to swerve out of the way. "Say hello to Isaac for me in hell. I do wish he arrived there safely."

The moons rays washed over me just as she arched her blade towards my heart. I heard Aaron yell in horror as I reached out with both hands towards the blade. I clamped my fingers around the sword before it scathed my skin, the blade digging into my palms as I gripped it. I held it, halting the attack all together so Miss Anderson was left to hold the hilt pitifully while I blocked the attack.

Surprise crossed her face, her eyes widening. "Impossible." She whispered, her words rinsing over me and providing fuel to the fire of rage within me. With one jerky movement I yanked the sword from her fingers, twirling it in my hands so its hilt whirled into my open palms. I glanced down at my cut hands, watching as the wounds healed over in front of my very eyes, the slits nothing but long thin scars. I rose my head to watch Miss Anderson stare at me open mouthed, her pupils diluted in astonishment.

"I gave you my warnings and you ignored them," I said bluntly, the Parazonium hot against my fingers. "Now you must pay for what you did to Isaac."

A noise louder than the sound of thunder travelled around us, growing louder by the second. I turned to see Aaron stand, frozen like a statue as dozens of wolves galloped through the trees, forming a semi circle around the scene. At the same moment, what was left of the Parade formed another half circle on Miss Andersons side. Some were bruises and bloodied, matching what the wolves looked like, however the fire of battle still remained in their eyes. But then the wolves noticed the body beside us. A chorus of whines seemed to pass through all of them, with their fur bristling as they glanced at each other, sharing looks of shocks. The warriors on the other hand were staring at the Parazonium in my hand, their faces ones of horror.

I turned as a growl tore through us all, the Alpha entering the scene. Aaron ducked his head, moving to the side to let the Alpha pass. The Alpha's eyes scanned around us to land on Isaacs body. A look passed through his eyes although it was hard to diminish in the gaze of a wolf's. His eyes then travelled to mine, taking in my tear streaked face and the sword clenched in my hands. He let out a furious snarl, his canines flashing. However, it wasn't aimed at me, but at the woman who had spilled Isaacs blood. Despite everything, she had killed one of their kind. And the punishment was death.

"You don't belong here anymore." I hissed, poising to point the sword directly at her heart. She gave me a shocked look, her eyes hardening in fury. "You pose no threat over me."

I cocked my head, watching as the warriors behind her glanced at their leader with looks of anxiety. That was the first time I had seen them show any expression.

"You have no allies Georgina," I said sharply, my repetition of words causing her to shudder. "I control your warriors under the blade of this sword. And the death of Isaac has made you nothing but a target for the Night Children."

She shook her head, but her hands shook slightly, and she struggled to reach for her bow. "No, you are powerless against me."

The Alpha let out a deep rumble in response, stepping forwards as he snarled. She glanced at him fearfully, her eyes portraying a sense of melancholy.

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