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"Is this our new house, dear?" a woman asked her husband in a silver metallic car. They parked in a giant yard where some little flowers blossoming out and grasses grew there.

On the area, there stood a firmly built white house. It's not a new house, though. The whitey ceilings were dotted with dusty cobwebs there, and it's a little bit untidy. But there's a lamp hanging there for lighting up the place.

"Yes, it is," said a tidy-looking man with green-blue checkered shirt. "You see, in the maps, GREENAWAY ROAD, NO. 15."

"It's no. 15 indeed, mum," a young girl in the car assured her mum as she pointed at the number carved on a blackish plank on the wall.

"Okay, let's go then. Hop off and I'll tell Michael to tidy up our stuffs," the man said as he stopped the car, exited from the door.

"Come on, May, Sweetie," the woman said to her daughter as she held her May's hand out.

"Can you help bringing Mr. Michael some things?" asked the man to his daughter. "Here. Carry the luggages."

May, the daughter, yawned a little but tried her best not to look sleepy. She rubbed her eyes and carried several little luggages to the house.

"Hey, Kid, you can just put it down here," a man told May. "Okay, Mr. Michael," She laid the luggage on an empty space near a whitey-matched bookshelf and hurried outside to ask her dad about the tasks she must do.

"You should get some rest sweetie. Your face is really pale!" her Mum yelled, "Don't let her do the things again. Just ask Michael to to that."

Actually May is really dizzy because of this trip to Clenden town. And as her Mum see, She's really pale because she had vomited too much in the car when they went to this town. "Uh, I hate moving too much," May thought.

They moved from Travis (their original town) because his dad got a promotion to be a botanist in The Claudio Botany Lab. It's the most famous laboratory of botanical science in Clenden.

"But we haven't cleaned up the rooms. This house is not-too-grand!" he complained.

Sure it did. This house was pretty big, but the interior and furnitures were old-fashioned and woody-accented. Antique wooden and dim-lighted chandeliers hung neatly but mysteriously mastered their places on the clear white ceiling. On the walls, some beautiful yet dusty paintings were taped there. Marble brownish fireplace was put elegantly by whoever-owned-this-place-in-the-past. The dining hall had heavily carved walls and also wood. Wood, carvings, it repeated on the same pattern.

"Hey there," a woman's voice greeted them. She's an old woman wearing a peach cloak and black umbrella.

"Hello Mrs," Mum, Dad and May greeted the old woman back, even though they're surprised to see her. Who was this?

"It's a pleasure to greet you! Welcome, welcome! Ooh, by the way, I'm Nannerl. You could just call me Nannee, I'm your neighbor,"she declared with a smile.

"Hi, um... Mrs. Nannie," Mum said. "Pleasure to meet you, my name is Ivy Thomson."

"What a pwetty name," the old woman murmured. "Who's this handsome guy?"

Mum rolled her eyes. Dad sheepishly grinned, "Hello, Mrs. Nannie, I'm Joe Thomson."

"And you, little one?"

"Hi, I am May Thomson," May introduced herself shyly.

"Do not forget. You can always call me on—wait a minute, I forgot my number," Mrs. Nannie eyed her phone. "Ow, it's 0811xxxxxxxxx. Ok? My name's Nannie. Good bye, guys."

"What a funky grandma," May giggled.

"Just go and rest," his Dad said. "Here's your room key, Michael, can you tell her the room?"

May looked down to see her newest room key, dad has accessorize it with a pinky M mini sculpture.

"Thanks, Dad," she said. "Just go and rest," his dad repeated. "I don't wanna see your Mum screaming all night if you got sick. I'll shout too," he giggled.

"Ok," May followed Michael, her Dad's helper.

"Go left, and you'll see a rose petal drawing," Michael guided her.

"Mm-hm." May asked Michael. "What's next?"

"Over there," Michael stopped and clicked on a rear door. "Whiiiiing...."

"Woah, so cool," May got amazed. "They got tech too in here," her face got a little better.

"Here's your room," Michael pointed on a door.


Michael closed the door, "Your dad said, be sure to lock the door!" he said and then left.

She sighed and began to unpack her bags. After half an hour, everything's ready. She changed her clothes into warm and comfy plain dress. She laid herself to her bed—which isn't new because her parents already brought some furnitures from their old house in Travis.

When she was about to close her eyes, she heard a faint knock behind the mahogany wooden door.

"Open the door.." the voice said in a raspy voice. Slow but sure, May felt a cold sensation beneath her feet. She got a bit afraid.

"Who's that?" she whimpered, tugging her bolster closer.

She could hear more voices on the other side of the wall.

"Help us!"

"Nooooo! Please, take mercy on us!"

"I speak to the Heaven and Hell, stick and stones may break my body, but names won't!"

"Aaaaaaaaagh! It hurts!"

Echoes were heard and there's laughter also.

"Heheheeheheheeeeeee! Die! Die! Die!"

"You must die!"

When the voices stopped, May felt very uneasy. Before going to sleep, she asked herself:

"Who's that, again?"

Open the Door (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now