Chapter 2

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Almost an hour later there was a knock at the door. Dick immediately jumped up and bolted towards it,

"I'll get it!" He yelled excitedly.

The door swung open and in the doorway stood two young boys. Damian was at the front, he had his arms folded in front of his chest and his angry eyes were glued to the floor. Behind him stood another person a few inches taller than Damian but a few years younger and this boy had a huge smile painted on his face that stretched from ear to ear.

"Grayson, West" Damian nodded before quietly walking into the front room.

"Hiya, thank you." The taller boy nodded as he walked past his boyfriends oldest brother.

The two young boys made there way to the other 2 seater sofa and sat next to each other as Dick walked over and sat next to Wally.

The two sofas surrounded a small table that now held 4 cups of hot chocolate and a plate of chocolate biscuits that were currently being speed eaten by Wally. They were all talking about whatever came into their minds and the conversation had now turned to getting to know the mysterious boy better.

"We never got a name" Dick stated smiling at the stranger.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm Jon, Jon Kent" Jon was a little nervous which the others could tell from the shaking in his voice but still he grinned.

"What do your parents do for a living Jon?" Wally asked hopeful for the answer he thought it was going to be.

Jon thought for a moment before replying, "My parents Clark and Lois both work for the daily planet"

"That's interesting" it was also the right answer, Wally thought after having his suspicions pretty much confirmed.

Wally tapped his boyfriends leg underneath the table to get his attention, when he got it he held out his hand and Dick hesitantly put some money in the other boys open palm. They did this action as inconspicuously as possible but jumped back when the heard Damian yell.

"Are you betting money on the identity of my boyfriend!" He yelled.

"" Wally took the money off of Dick and ran out of the room at a normal pace so he didn't startle their guest.

"Grayson I expected better, and you lost!" Damian's attention was now on his brother who just stood there with an awkward smile.

"Sorry little D..." Dick chuckled awkwardly.

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