He cuts himself off at the knowing look he looks away.

"Fine. Maybe just a bit, " Hoseok finally admits. He changes the subject. "But I had the day off so I hung out with the maknaes for a bit. They wanted to come but...they didn't...for reasons.

"So I came here but you weren't here. I decided to pass by the time and introduce myself to your neighbors. There's a really nice old lady who lives a few doors down. She gave me cookies!"

I chuckle. "Yeah, she's super nice. Sometimes she makes too much food for herself and gives us all the extras. It's really nice."

"Yeah..." Hoseok trails off. "I have a question."

"Ask away!" I say freely.

"Um...have you met all your neighbors?"

Crap, he's probably trying to test and see if I've met Yoongi. I don't want to die so I can't act suspiciously.

I look at my ceiling as if I'm thinking. "Well, I've talked to the girls who live at the end of the hall. They're super funny. And the super buff guys who live across from them. I kind of think at least one of them will get with one of the girls."

"Wait..." Hoseok starts. "You were with the two guys alone?"

I roll my eyes. "Girls can hang out with guys platonically. Calm down, Hoseok."


"Oppa, " I give in, not trying to start another one of his rampages.

"Hmph, " Hoseok crosses his arms. He gestures with one of them. "Continue..."

I put a finger to my chin. I think I'm overacting but I can't stop now. "Well...there is the mysterious guy who lives next door that I haven't met yet. I've seen him a few times but he always runs away. Do you think I should try harder to get to know him?"

"No!" Hoseok suddenly yells as he slams his hand on the counter. It makes me flinch and take a step back.

Hoseok clears his throat. "I mean, mysterious guys almost always have something weird about him. You shouldn't meet him unless...unless...never mind."

Maybe I can try to get some information about this situation out of him.

I squint my eyes. "Now that I'm thinking about it, I saw how weird you acted when we all saw him in the hallway that one time. Do you know him?"

Hoseok stares at me with wide eyes. "Umm...no. That was just an awkward moment in the hall with a stranger."

I put my lip out a bit. "But then why would you not want me to meet him. You always told me to try to talk to the loners and mysterious ones since they always have good stories and life experiences. Why is it different for this one person?"

Hoseok lets out a quick sigh. He glares at me. "I hate that you can see through me."

"No one knows you better than me! Not even yourself!" I sing.

"Fine, fine. I did know him. I met him when we were children, " Hoseok admits.

My jaw drops. "Since you were children? How come I don't know him?"

Hoseok bites his tongue. Something he does when he's trying to choose his words carefully.

"You did meet him. Once. You were very little so you don't remember."

I furrow my eyebrows. This whole situation isn't making any sense. Why can't they just tell me straightforwardly?

"And his name?" I ask, still trying to make my lie seem believable.

The Wall Between Us (YoongixReader)Where stories live. Discover now