Oh god like as if he wasn't already handsome, now he looks crazy handsome when he looked normal. Ive gotta get a grip of myself. I mentally reprimanded myself. "Shall we go now?" He said while offering me his arm for me to hold to which i held onto and we began to walk to wherever he was meeting the fortune teller.


"Ahh you're so pretty Rias!!! Tell me how did you get you skin so soft, how is your hair so lucious and long, your body.. ohh im so jealous" Neon half exclaimed and pouted whilst admiring Rias from the opposite side of the table. "You're too nice Neon, im embarassed you dont have to say those things" Rias smiled genuinely at the girl's kindness. "Im going to be just like you when i grow up, now sorry for babbling too much, you want your fortune told right? Alright here lets begin"


"Alright her you guys go, oh but dont show me your fortunes alright! Its much more accurate if i dont see it" Neon passed both papers to Chrollo and Rias whilst standing up "Id love to stay with the both of you longer but ive gotta go now, my dad's buggin me" Neon said dramatically but before she started walking off she continued "Dont hesitate to contact me okay! The both of you! Bye!!" with that Neon left both Chrollo and Rias with their respective fortunes. 

Rias's POV:

I opened mine whilst Chrollo had already begun reading his.

"The right man will lead you into eternal bliss."
"The wrong man will lead you to death"
"Bringer of death is one of them, choose wisely for the path of luxuriance"

"Security or Serenity, pick what you truly desire. Only one will proclivitly persue and the other enthralled by your existence"

"This is the will that was written since birth, heed it or ignore it at your own destruction"

I blinked at the paper that i was holding. What the hell was this suppose to mean, why was my fortune telling me like i was in a love triangle or something, I was single for god's sake and why would men be the top of my problems now. I glanced up at Chrollo whom had a tear fallen down his face, he seemed to be in mourning. I sympathised but didnt ask any questions. He initiated to leave and i agreed, he walked infront while i stayed at the back. I could feel the bloodlust oozing from him, he was trying to not show it i can feel it. You know when u have a plastic bag filled with water but there's a hole somewhere, yeah same concept. Either way I was in an awkward position, I didnt know what to say or do, do i keep following him, should i just leave him and go my seperate ways. Then my body moved without my mind allowing, my hands reached out to his and grasp him firmly. I was shocked by my actions, what the hell was i doing, what the hell would i say now. "Would you follow me?" He didnt turn to look at me but i felt his bloodlust subside, he didn't answer me but his body language or his aura didn't seem to disapprove so i boldly walked forward his hand still in mine and continued walking with Chrollo behind me. I didnt know where i was going to bring him nor did i know where i was going but i kept walking.

After 30 minutes of aimlessly walking we ended up somewhere in the forest looking down from a cliff of a waterfall. The whole walk did not include any conversation or any words exchanged from the both of them. Rias held Chrollo's hand throughout the whole walk and he didn't protest nor rejected her, rather he was curious of where the woman was bringing him.

Rias turned to him " I didnt know Yorknew was capable of birthing to such a beautiful waterfall" she wasnt talking to him eventhough she turned to him, it was rather just a statement and she knew he didnt have anything to reply to that "You're in ...

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Rias turned to him " I didnt know Yorknew was capable of birthing to such a beautiful waterfall" she wasnt talking to him eventhough she turned to him, it was rather just a statement and she knew he didnt have anything to reply to that "You're in a lot of pain aren't you" Chrollo closed his eyes awhile before nodding. He had alot of things he wanted to say to the red head before him but his mouth couldn't seem to get any words out. "Let me get your mind off things if you want to" He opened his eyes to see Rias at the edge of the waterfall cliff and before he could protest, she jumped off again. This girl was crazy, he'd admit it but his body seemed to decide before his mind did. He reacted and jumped off the cliff too but he realised that she wasnt falling and neither was she anywhere in sight and all thats left was him falling straight into the water below. With a loud splash Chrollo was in the water, he reclaimed himself and he searched for Rias, he turned his head looking at the surface of the water near him, nothing. He couldnt find her. "You really do like catching me huh" he looked up to see Rias levitating in mid air while giggling. Chrollo was a hard man to impressed but he was at this point. "You have flight abilities " he asked as he swam towards a rock that Rias had landed and sat on. She laughed " I do, but i dont really use it, its quite useless actually, anways would you be mad at me for getting you wet Chrollo?"

Chrollo's POV:

The way my name sounded from her was blissful, i wanted more of her and i couldnt control myself. This woman, from the day i sensed her, was like a drug. "I think we're pretty even" I replied to which of course confused her, she was going to reply when i reached for her arms and pulled her into the water with me. "Wha..ahhh" her body and head had all submerged into the water only for her head to come back up but her desperately clinging onto me "Chrollo i cccan... cant swim" before i knew it she already had her legs locked around my waist and arms around my back. I was stunned but amused, she was strong but she cant swim. 'Precious' i thought. "You can fly but you cant swim?" She brought her face up to me with a flustered look "I cant do everything u know" she huffed "Are you going to put me back up or not " she demanded to which humoured me "No" i said only for an annoyed expression to appear on her face "Join me" i said.

Rias blinked a few times, their face were close but not that close enough to touch. "Join you?"
He closed his eyes whilst carrying her back up onto the rock where he had pulled her earlier on, he went up as well, but he started to remove the suit he had on leaving his body bare with no clothes on. Rias shamelessly watched in awe of the beautiful man infront of her. She looked away "Would you kill me if i said no" she felt his fingers lifting her chin up to his face and his hot breath hits her face with his reply "I would give and show you hundred reasons to why you should follow me" Rias closed her eyes, feeling his fingers on her chin, his hot breath on her, her heart was pounding, she didn't know what to say or do at this point. His lips were grazing against hers. He was contemplating on kissing her but decide against it, he stood up and offered his arm to her, "Let me take you home Rias"

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