Latch [Part Two]

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Touching down in Seattle was a beautiful sight for sore eyes. Nonetheless that's anywhere you land unless it's in the middle of nowhere. Ana thought to herself. Seattle was one of the beautiful cities that you would always want to visit. The dark blue skyscrapers shinned the sun light off of them. It couldn't have been a better sight. Angel had been sleeping as the plane began to descend. Ana couldn't help but smile seeing as Angel held her hand the whole flight.

This was a beautiful getaway. Not that they really needed to go to some exotic island to have fun. Beaches were beautiful, but to Ana a house on the lake was just mellow. This was a home away from home. Just like the dreams she was having with their twin daughters. She hadn't even seen the lake house yet, but she could just tell on impulse. Angel was extremely different from some of the lesbians Ana had previously encountered.

"The flight was most enjoyable, don't you think?"
Angel asks Ana as they walk through the terminal.

"Yeah, that's only because you slept the whole flight,"
Ana says chuckling slightly.

Angel shrugs and chuckles along with Ana.

The drive through Seattle was a smooth, an enjoyable experience for Ana. The vibrant blues shinning brightly in the sky. The cars going back and forth. Ana could see the mountains in the distance.

"So where exactly is this lake house?"
Ana asks looking out the window of the car.

"We have to drive through Seattle, up to Everett. Then we can hike up and down the trail to see the different mountains, but I want to do that on another day. For the first day I wanted to spend just sometime within the house with you. If you're ok with that?"
Angel explains keeping her eyes on the road.

"That sounds lovely, baby. I would love to,"
Ana smiles to Angel.

"I wonder what's playing on the radio,"
Ana bites her lower lip switching on the radio.

Angel watches Ana flip a few stations as she finds the pop station. It's a quick beat playing. Then the slow melody of a guy starts to sing.

"Ooooo.. I love this song!"
Ana announces as she starts to dance in the passenger's seat.

"I'm slowly drifting away, drifting away. Wave after wave, wave after wave,"
Ana sings along to the song.

Angel chuckles from the driver's seat as she sees Ana enjoying herself. It was like Ana to get in touch with her inner wild child. That's one of the things Angel admired about Ana.

"I've always loved your..... exotic music taste,"
Angel comments as she glances over to Ana.

"Thank you. I've never been into much of rap or r&b. I most like trance dubstep music. I don't know. Soft music just gets me thinking, or either in the mood."
Ana admits giggling to herself as if she just made a joke.

"I listen to some rap. Just not my favorite genre. I am more into a lot of other music. Besides rap music doesn't fit my.... personality. I mean look at me,"
Angel states chuckling to herself.

"Oh, I'm looking alright,"
Ana says softly not looking away from Angel.

The trees throughout Washington stood tall. You could smell the pine in the air. Nothing but trees for miles. Ana could just tell that they were heading into the wilderness just about. That's the thing about going out of the city that was so great. No disruptions from the city. No cars, or loud people, no sirens from ambulances and fire trucks. Just peace. Peace was beautiful. Everything was beautiful in the wild.

Ana felt like once again this was the perfect getaway. Nothing could possibly make this any better. The fact that they were finally having their vacation retreat was more than Ana could ask for. Not only that, but Ana had a couple of things planned for their little vacation. If all went according to plan then maybe things would turn out even better.

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