2 Months (Ana)

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Ana arrived in New York City the next morning. The plane had landed down in the JFK International Airport. Ana sat up as all the passenger's were gathering their luggage from the compartments above. Ana rubbed her eyes and stretched her arms as she got up out her seat and proceeded to do the same. She looked out the window to and saw the view of the tall skyscrapers. The shinning blues that glared from the sunlight made the view beautiful. Ana reached up and pulled out her blue suitcase closing the compartment, and then she followed behind the other passenger's that were exiting the plane. She walked over to retrieve her other luggage. Ana reached in her pocket pulling out her iPhone and powering it on as she exited the plan walking down the hallway as her iPhone booted up. She walked out to the lobby area where families were joined by long lost sisters, brothers, cousins, and friends even lovers were rejoined by military members doing active service. The airport was filled with joy of the tears of families from all over. Ana smiled slightly taking out her headphones to her iPhone and plugged in her headphones and turned on some music as she walked to the area where the cabs might be. Ana got into a cab putting her luggage in with her.

"I need to go to a hotel in Manhattan. Please."
She said softly.

"Yes ma'am."
The young man said as pulled away from the curb and drove along.

Ana looked back at the airport as they were leaving. She knew her and Angel would probably never see each other again. Anna had shook the thought out of her head. She turned on the song "Let Me Go" by Kesha and looked through her missed calls and texts. All three of her sisters had texted her. Amberlynn offering some advice to her while in the big city. "Hey sis, I will miss you. Be careful up there in New York. I've heard a lot of great things as well as bad things happen up there. I know you might love the thought of being in solitude confinement with your phone in your hand, but please come visit us soon. I love you." Anna smiled as she closed the text and opened the one from Kacey. "Look if you don't comeback and visit I will personally make my way to New York and kick your ass! Haha I love you sis and be safe." Short and sweet. Kacey was not one for many words anyways. Anna closed and read the last and most important text from her closest sister Angelina. "I'm gonna miss you :((( you have to come kidnap me from Jacksonville. Maybe I can come live with you for a while if mum lets me. I know you don't want to mention who it was you were "seeing", but I just wanted to let you know that I felt a presence that she would be back. I wanted to tell you that, but of course mum didn't want me to say anything. I love you soooooo much. Bye :)" Anna smiled at the text and couldn't help but read it once more. Maybe this was a sign of hope for her and Angel. Anna couldn't fill this big void with another person. Anna wouldn't be able to fill it up with another person. Anna looked out the window of the cab as they made it into the Manhattan area. Anna looked around at the beautiful buildings and groups of people walking around in large trench coats. Business men discussing over the phones walking with black brief cases. Interns rushing across the street with coffee in hands trying not to spill any. Beautiful tall women who dressed about twenty times better than Anna strutting their stuff down the street. The cab pulled up to a big expensive looking hotel.

"Here we are this is the Four Seasons hotel."
The young man said as Anna took off her headphones and smiling softly. She looked at the meter.

She said to herself as she gave the cab driver the fare and a small tip. Anna got out the cab with her luggage in her hand. She looked up and down at the tall hotel building. Admiring the place where she will be living for the next couple weeks while she looked for an apartment to rent out. Anna walked in the hotel and was greeted with smiles from the belly boy and other guests. Anna walked up to the service desk and was greeted by a young woman.

"Hello. Do you have a reservation?"
The young lady asked. She was wearing a dark green uniform and a pink colored ascot that didn't match at all, but it complimented her crystal blue eyes along with her long blonde hair.

Anastasia (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now