Book Of Emotions

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And so the time came when Jade had to drag herself out of bed to get dressed with the promise of going to Tori's house. A promise that Beck made. She got up and walked slowly to her mirror, staring at herself for a little while before just nodding, she said not one word to herself.
Forcing her body in the direction of her closet door, she sighed and rubbed her face before choosing clothes that she quickly changed into.
She now had 15 minutes to get to Tori's house. She had lay and stalled and procrastinated in bed for hours and hours, she stormed away from Beck's house at 10am and it was now 6:15pm.
Without checking her phone or giving another thought to what was happening around her, she left in her car and made her way to Tori's house. She felt as though she was in a daze. She was exhausted, doing nothing all day apparently wares you out. She wants to see Beck tonight, that's the whole reason she's going because she knows that, no matter what, Beck will be there tonight.
And he is.
When she pulls up, he is closing the door to his truck. Noticing her car, he stops and leans against the back of his truck, waiting for her to get out.
They look at each other for a short while after Jade stands up out of the car. Everybody else is already here, she can see their cars. Jade shuts her door and slowly walks towards him as he speaks,
"I thought you wouldn't come tonight."
"Why would you think that?" she replied, quickly, "We didn't break up. And besides, you always get me to come."
She smirks as he lightly chuckles at her dumb innuendo.
"Listen, J... I'm tired of all of this. I don't want to do this anymore." He explained
She raised an eyebrow, stepping closer him and crossing her arms under her chest.
"What? You don't want to do this anymore? What? our relationship? Have you just decided you don't really wanna do it anymore? What the fuck is that supposed to mean Beck?" she snapped, annoyed and trying to hide the hurt growing inside of her.
"No. Baby, Jade, you heard me wrong. This. I don't want to do this anymore. You're going to be my wife. After college, we're going to be married... have kids." he smiled. "I don't want to do this. The fighting, the arguing. The not talking, not texting each other. I can't stand the time after our arguments where we act like we hate each other when we don't."
He spoke his mind, all of this had been building up inside of him.
"I'm tired of fighting. Ive said this before but this time I don't mean I want to break up. I want to keep working on us. We're not perfect. We're never going to be. But we're us. We love each other. And I want you to promise me something."
"Oh so I'm promising you my love to you forever in sickness and health and all that but you want more. Ohhh okay.." She says sarcastically before realising she should've just kept quiet and nodded, taking that hint from the look on his face.
She cleared her throat. "Go on."
"We're going to fight. It's inevitable. We fight, couples fight, people fight. But when we do fight. We don't leave, we don't ignore each other for hours or days or even minutes. I want you to promise me that, if and when we fight, we still go to sleep in the same bed and we go to sleep having apologised and made up. 'Never go to bed angry' so they say." He smiles and steps towards her so she can feel his warm breath on her face. "Promise me you will do everything in your power to make sure this happens for the rest of our lives together, and I'll do the same."
She looks up at him, her eyes glistening under the moon and street lights, glazed over with tears.
She nods, slowly at first.
"Yes." She whispers to him.
"I never want to lose you, never, ever again. I promise that i'll try my hardest to make sure that happens no matter what. I love you, Beck." Her nodding is now fast and intentional.
"I love you too, Jade. Forever."
He puts out his hand. "Deal?"
They both laugh a little as Jade takes his hand and shakes it before letting go and wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Deal, weirdo." She smiles and laughs as he hugs her, his arms around her waist.
As she is getting comfortable, he slowly begins moving his hands down her body, down her ass to her thighs, she bites her lip, kissing his neck gently. However, her thoughts had clearly gone to a different place than what happened in reality.
She squealed loudly as he grabs her, taking her off of her feet and wrapping her legs around his waist.
She hold on to his flannel and begins hitting his chest lightly with the flannel still gripped into her hands.
"You're an idiot! Oh my god! I could've died! I hate you! I hate you!" She yelled in her blur of annoyance.
He simply chuckled.
"No you don't."
She calmed down and slowed her breathing.
"No I don't."
They simply stared at each other, looking deep into one another's eyes before turning, locating the area they had both heard a collective 'Aww' come from. Their friends had all came outside and were now standing on the porch watching this all unfold.
He turned his head to face her and she looked down at him and they both laughed.
"Tell me you love me, Oliver."
"What's the magic word."
They smiled as Beck kissed her lips deeply, passionately, intensely before pulling away.

"I love you."

The End x

Authors Note:
Sorry, again another long wait for a new chapter. I was going to draw it out for another couple of chapters but i thought this would be a cute ending. I hope you all enjoyed and weren't annoyed too much by the amount of long chapters, haha!
You can read my other story, All I Could Ask For if you'd like something else to read, that story is still in progress but as for this story, we have come to a close.
Thank you so much for all of the lovely comments and support. This was my first story and the feedback I've had has been incredible!

I'm debating writing a (much shorter) sequel to this story so let me know if you'd like that.
Thanks again for reading!
- K x

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