Chapter 12: Is Reinforced

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The new morning was already starting in the complete opposite direction from yesterday.

Chaos eroded around every corner, an escape looking less and less possible by the size of the crowd that surrounded the swan.

The swan grew more audible, hissing as loud as its vocal cords allowed, reliving its encounter that it had with the townspeople days ago. Only worse, and much larger than before.

But this time, the swan had ammunition.

The swan hissed, wings flapping furiously in the water, splashing and drenching the townspeople with waves that reached the height of the fountain.

The townspeople screamed, moving back in fear. Tiara wanted to make sure things would go much more differently this time.

But not in the direction she expected.

Turns out when the town listens to the radio, everyone listens.

Cops emerged past the crowd, pushing through the pedestrians closest to the fountain.

Not what the townspeople were expecting.

The swan saw the cops, immediately trying to fly away. She was yanked down and out of the fountain.

The swan flapped as hard as she could, the cop getting slight bruises from the power of her wings. More cops restrained the swan's wings, the swan becoming as audible as she could. The cop grew enraged, his grip tightening around her neck in a fury.

   "You little.....this public disturbance is being apprehended!" The cop gripping her neck yelled, the townspeople cheering uproariously in response. Chester was coming to clock into the glassware shoppe, noticing the insane scene. He looked closer, seeing Tiara in the cop's grip.

He immediately dashed inside the shoppe.

   "As for you..." he murmured to the swan in a rage. His grip grew immensely tighter. "You'd better not have ruined my wrists, you littl-"

   "Rodge, we need the swan in one piece!" The Chief of Police stated while walking over. "It is the last one, after all."

Officer Rodge stared at the Chief, loosening his grip on the swan.

An informed Norman came running out of the shoppe, his employees right behind him, spreading out. He looked over at the cops, running over. He was enraged. "What is going o-"

"Step away sir," a cop warned Norman.

Norman approached in fury. "Don't te-"

Another cop came over, slamming his baton into Norman's ribcage, as he fell, holding his abdomen in pain.

"Mr. Stonelock!" His employees cried out, running over to assist Norman.

The cops stared at the scene, the swan flapping out of Officer Rodge's grip, flying off into the distance.

"Oh, great job Rodg-"

"Not to worry," the Chief of Police said to the cop. "It won't get far."

The Chief walked over to Norman, helping him to his feet. "Sorry about my men. It was quite a rowdy situation. I'm Chief Gabriel, and I'm sure your injury is not a serious one."

   "Looks like your men need a little lesson on police brutality," Rick said.

   "Yeah!" Chester joined in, the cops staring daggers at him until he backed away.

   "My men are well informed of such matters, and diffused the situation before it escalated. Unfortunately, animals do not understand these methods, and thus, are subject to a method that is a little more forceful. Until they get the picture, of course."

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