5 (nsfw)

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oikawa found himself staring out of the window, taking in the sight around him. woods. the hotel was surrounded by woods, outside of of town, far away from anyone and everyone.

iwaizumi told him it was simply a security measure, in case some reporter decides to follow them, after all, the elections were almost here and iwaizumi was in the spotlight of attention.

he felt iwaizumi's hands on his shoulders, he placed his head on one of them and smiled at oikawa.

"sorry for a location like this. i know this isn't some good hotel but... i had no other choice"

oikawa turned to him with a gentle look on his face, oh how head over heels he was for this man in front of him. he really was his soulmate. iwaizumi stared back at him, lovingly.

iwaizumi looked at him, those soft, plump lips were parted slightly, he moved his eyes up and was met with a meek, dreamy gaze, ‘ah, he looked like that after we kissed’.

without noticing iwaizumi was leaning closer, hand moving from beside his body to rest near oikawa’s hip. soon iwaizumi could count golden specs in oikawa’s eyes and see a fallen lash near his lower water line, and then he closed his eyes feeling soft rosy lips against his own.

oikawa’s entire body was rigid, so many explosions firing off inside of him before he found strength to move, like a magnetic pull, his hands locked behind iwaizumi’s neck, lips parting before kissing back, his eyes fluttered open before blissfully closing again.

iwaizumi shifted again, moving other hand to oikawa’s light locks and tangling his fingers in before pressing more of his upper body against oikawa’s. warm. it felt so warm, warmer than he felt in a while. his, usually furrowed, eyebrows relaxed, as he let his weight settle on top of oikawa making them both fall down on the bed.

iwaizumi pulled back to settle himself better on top of oikawa, looking back at his face he was stunned, hand hovering beside his face. his eyes were relaxed, foggy, cheeks rosy, lips pulled in a smile, most beautiful smile iwaizumi has ever seen. "so alive, he is so warm…’", he brushed over his face and smiled when oikawa nuzzled his hand and kissed it lightly, "you are so full of life… breathtakingly beautiful".

with that he dipped down and kissed him again.

lips were moving in sync, up and down, up and down, hypnotizing movement, forbidden taste and iwaizumi grew bolder, tongue swiping over oikawa’s lips, teeth catching his bottom lip and pulling lightly and oikawa moaned. like an orchestra of angels, that is how it rang in iwaizumi’s ears and may he be damned, but he will make oikawa make that sound again, and again.

oikawa’s head was spinning, it felt like his whole being was aching, wanting something, but he couldn’t understand what, he opened his lips at iwaizumi’s greedy intrusion and moaned again, he was squirming and gripping at iwaizumi’s shirt before moving his head to the side to pant.

hajime… ha..”, he was interrupted with another kiss, this one gentler, slower, hands on his hips pushing his shirt up.

iwaizumi’s hands were cold, touch starved, sliding and tracing his abdomen. they were splayed over, like they were trying to cover more ground, thumbs pressing harder, counting his ribs before stopping just under the raise of his pecs, one hand pulled away and oikawa almost whimpered, sound muffled behind their closed lips. iwaizumi’s hand found oikawa’s and brought it to his chest.

he could feel it, iwaizumi’s heart thumping, fast, excited. his hand slid lower on it’s own, loving the feel of goose bumps raising under the shirt that his fingers left in their wake. his hand made it to the belt buckle and he gasped pulling away, iwaizumi’s pants were tented.

𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ||𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐨𝐢|| 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora